Arquivo para 2015

(Português) No mesmo barco: a Hiperpolítica

04 Dec

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


Impeachment impeachmenting

03 Dec

The impeachment impeachment is because those who advocated more out JogoPoliticoCollor, FHC and outside off anyone who disagrees with them, now say it’s a scam, somehow it is.

Because the man who opened the process was in talks to get off the lists of political gifts in winning denunciations of Wash Jet (Lava-jato operation said Cunha is compromissed) came to flirt with the opposition, but saw his tight situation on the ethics committee asking your cancellation without the votes PT would be 11-9 for its cancellation, with three votes of pro-government members 12-11 to save Cunha.

In fact, the famous “Judgment” among government and Cunha’s supporters failed to materialize, especially when beyond them are being investigated Renan Calheiros (PMDB- AL), Aníbal Gomes (PMDB-CE) and Jader Barbalho (PMDB-PA) .

The accepted order was presented by two renowned lawyers: Hélio Bicudo (founder of the PT) and Miguel Reale Junior, and are based on the law of fiscal responsibility, if last year were over 20 billion in the red this year surpassed 100 billion, We spend a lot and spend evil.

But two other jurists Dalmo Dallari and Ives Gandra Martins, with different opinions on the request, agree with the political component of the process, since they are representatives and senators that will shape on removal of the president, but the government leader in the Senate is arrested , Senate President is investigated and Cunha camera just is not convicted of maneuvers that can not last long.

What Brazil needs: the impeachment impeachmenting impeachmented, perhaps taking a half stuck hundred, the worst is that it can even have people of the Supreme Court and it is no joke, mud do Rio Doce (river dead by dams burst) arrived in Brasilia and many dams are to burst.


(Português) É tempo de voltar para casa

02 Dec

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


Fundamentalisms, worlds and science

01 Dec

The fact known to scientists, thinkers, philosophers and also someIndioCiência theologians, that Western thought is experiencing a crisis is a fact, what would be its roots is another problem.

Much of the thinking, to our correct view is that the basis of this error is the foundation of the Western Enlightenment thought it was idealism, not how they think the fundamentalists and nostalgic (right and left as Bauman) who claim that it is a crisis of modernity, but it was born of the Enlightenment and idealism, so is there a base.

Umberto Eco wrote a nice article: “Ciência, erro e fundamentalismo” (Science, error and fundamentalism) in which states:

“The problem is that much of the criticism of the ideology of progress (or the so-called spirit of the Enlightenment), the spirit of science is often identified with certain idealistic philosophies of the century. XIX, according to which history is directed always for the best, or the triumphant realization of itself, spirit or other life force that is always in motion toward a good end. ”

All developmental vision, “critical” to the objects as “disturbing” the subject, is what Bruno Latour calls “hell´s dichotomies” because it is in the marrow of Western thought, in which the naive fundamentalist thought is the most radical.

Bruno Latour in his book never been modern unveils major gossip illogical, a-scientific and fundamentalists, created a concept called symmetrical anthropology, in which he analyzes it is not dialogues between “areas of knowledge”, but among world such as: “Amerindian and modern science” and other “hybrid” issues that actually speak of different worlds and not areas of knowledge.

This applies to the network because the anthropological knowledge networking, there is therefore a dilution of the idea of ​​authorship, where the multiplicity.



(Português) Passarinhos na rede eBird

30 Nov

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Comment Vivre en temps de crise ?

27 Nov

It is not the economic crisis, it is only the most sensitive part of a wholeCommentVivre systemic crisis involving culture, civilization processes, the correct understanding of the use of technology, and above all and mainly that is being who we are.

The book by Edgar Morin and Patrick Viveret, philosopher and former counselor of the government of Auditors Jospin an important mission which was to redefine what are in fact the indicators of wealth.

Viveret authority is it because Réconsidérer wrote it Richesse (Éditions de l’Aube) and Pourquoi ça ne vas pas mal plus? (Fayard), but the partnership with Morin makes this significant fact speech for the moment we live on the planet.

Just when everything seems to apply for disaster, perhaps this is just a superficial view of a changing world with many interesting opportunities.

We must be ready to welcome the unlikely, and this can only happen to those who are attentive to positive use this crisis as a new opportunity for a new relationship with the democratic power, monetary wealth, but rather with what can make sense to all that we are living and witnessing.

A Europe also Arab and black, an America that embraces and change the lives of the poor, without corruption, dictatorships and ideological biases, all this seems unlikely, but …

What Morin and Viveret deny are the conventional models, the already matured polarization and simplistic reasoning … the improbable can happen: a new era.


Ciência Aberta e Redes sociais

26 Nov

Ciência Aberta (Open Science) é referente a uma nova tendênciaCienciaAberta na prática científica, que a partir do desenvolvimento e com apoio da cultura digital, disponibiliza informações e dados em acesso aberto de forma oposta a pesquisas fechadas em grupos e laboratórios.
Neste contexto a revisão por pares, como o Peerage of Science, o arXiv e a a PLoS confirmam essa tendência que agora desponta também nas redes sociais.
Um exemplo do uso de redes sociais foi o estudo antimalária do pesquisador americano Jean-Claude Bradley e seus alunos.
Eles compartilham informações sobre tudo o que produzem na pesquisa da Drexel University, na Filadélfia, cujo objetivo é desenvolver compostos orgânicos úteis para a prevenção ou para a cura dessa doença que mata mais de 1 milhão de pessoas por ano no mundo.
Bradley usou o modelo de “wikis” para desenvolver o compartilhamento de dados em redes sociais, e foi na esteira desta pesquisa que nasceu o Creative Commons – fundado em 2001 nos Estados Unidos, visando ampliar o compartilhamento e uso do conhecimento por meio de licenças que que liberam o copyright (todos os direitos reservados) em áreas exclusivas para discutir ciência.
A USP realiza nestes dias o o Encontro de Ciência Aberta, com diversas oficinas, palestras e uma mesa redonda para ampliar este horizonte no país passar a incorporar a iniciativa internacional chamada OpenCon.
As inscrições são gratuitas, com oficinas na ECA, CCSL na Matemática da USP e no Garoa Hacker Club.


Nature and a cure for cancer

25 Nov

The brazilian social debate after a court order requiring the USP to provide aFosfoetanolamina miracle cure for cancer healing, phosphoethanolamine, the USP contested, now comes the prestigious scientific journal Nature, which defends the position of USP.
The last issue of the magazine brings along with an paper, the reconstitution of the way of the substance, from its preparation and an alleged efficacy, yet inconclusive tests until its unofficial distribution and because the Brazilian court decided to intervene to limit their circulation due to clinical tests are required to be distributed.

The compound, phosphoethanolamine f, has been shown to kill tumour cells only in lab dishes and in mice (A. K. Ferreira et al. Anticancer Res. 32, 95–104; 2012). Drugs that seem promising in lab and animal studies have a notoriously high failure rate in human trials.

Despite this, some chemists at the University of São Paulo’s campus in São Carlos have manufactured the compound for years and distributed it to people with cancer. A few of those patients have claimed remarkable recoveries, perpetuating the compound’s reputation as a miracle cure.

Some of these patients have claimed remarkable recoveries, perpetuating the reputation of the compound as a miracle cure, but scientifically


(Português) Hiper-realismo e fundamentalismo

24 Nov

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


(Português) Participação popular afetada na COP21

23 Nov

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.