Arquivo para January 29th, 2015

Technology does not make us dumber

29 Jan

BillGatesIn an interview with Reddit what was said Microsoft founder Bill Gates, he said: “The technology does not make the least intelligent people” in question-and-answers he said: “If you look at the complexity of what people like in entertainment, you can see a big change in my life only period “.
He explained that: “The technology allows people to have their questions answered in a better way, then they are still more curious,” and so it comes as almost all the technology (there are destructive technologies as weapons and war equipment), it is thought for the better in some aspect of human life.
He explained the fear that much has the technology as well: “It is much easier to learn various subjects, which is important to solve complex problems,” when not know how to use properly are just grumbling about them.
We have commented here the book of Mark Bauerlein, author of The dumbest generation (The dumbest generation) that has a pessimistic analysis in which it anticipates a new Dark Ages, their mistakes are huge, but the most serious is credited to this current generation the deviation that has been going on in human thought for centuries.
Another widespread book already commented is to Nicholas Carr, Superficial, he is knowledgeable in technology and participates in the cloud computing project of the World Economic Forum, regularly writes about technology and culture in The Guardian, The New York Times, also sees only the current generation a problem of culture, especially in the West, which it has for centuries, the readings and superficial thoughts.
There are others, but in a phrase, the current crisis has deep roots and is postmodernity.