Arquivo para March 10th, 2015

Global governance: between protection and oppression

10 Mar

While the old debate about freedom of liberalism and concentration of power of authoritarian states, Privatism x statismCaisEstelita grows, there is growing anxiety for a new route that could make a shift in social crisis, economic and moral that crosses the planet.
An example of this is the president’s speech Czech Vaclav Klaus criticized that in 2010 the United Nations to increase the “global governance” of the world economy, saying the world body should leave that role to national governments.

Furthermore eminent thinkers like Peter Sloterdijk, Edgar Morin, Michel Rocard, Bernard Miyet, Michel Rocard and others make a plea for a “responsible global governance and solidarity,” who is right, in my opinion both explain.

The global movement “Occupy” occupied Wall Street-US, occupies Madrid, Barcelona occupies, occupies Sao Paulo and many others reveal the desire to crowds of people that social and historical heritages are not exchanged for capitalist investments that are nothing more that easy profits and unemployment and devitalization of cities, states and nations, so the idea of ​​keeping ethnic heritage, historical and social cities, states there is no impediment to the development of a caring world governance, unlike it could more broadly aid this “occupation” of local people by their proper interests.

An example of this is Brazil, “occupies Estelita”, a trademark of the historic decoupling Pier José Estelita in the center of Recife Recife in Brazil, to be made a US $ 800 million project, with the construction of 12 sectors with up to 40 floors, among construction, is Queiroz Galvão, there of the  Swiss Leaks.

The #OcupeEstelita Movement and the Urban Rights group (DU) had a suspension of the license and then a partial victory, but recently had the destruction of historical monuments in Pakistan.

In several liability legal terms, means taking responsibility by a third party lender, globally means ensuring the security ethnic, social and economic fragile states like Haiti, many countries in Africa and Asia, not only when there is economic interest, the opposite of who made the imperialist colonialism.