Arquivo para March 20th, 2015

Modern State moralist

20 Mar

EstadoPosModernoThe desire of modern moralist Bauman, who like the contemporary self-righteousness or false piety (left and right) follows the logic of setting man free from sin, now only exist social sin thus expressed: “The promise of a lifetime freed from sin (now renamed as guilt) was so somante the project to remake the world in accordance with human needs and capabilities, according to a project designed rationally” (Bauman, 2011, p. 12), or “… ethics impotence of the laity and the ethical authority of the experts are explained and justified each other. And the postulate of a ‘properly based on ethics’ supports them” (Baumann, p. 23).
The boundaries between ethics and morals to this postmodern allegedly author (he is a late modernity and resentful) unaware that human relations can not be understood by rules, this is one of the Being down modes in order ontological.
The answer can be found in the postmodern ontology (Levinas, Ricoeur and Peter Sloterdijk) is one that shows concern for the other, modern and late modern ethics is within the limits of “Even” and though I wanted to do critical individualism, ultimately a critical “moral and ethical” to the individual, this is the modern self-righteousness.
So she can not give a concrete example, speak of systemic corruption in a state of perverse relationship with the citizen, but will speak and enforce “moral and ethical” citizen allegedly controlled by the state, is on the opposite side of historical.
Levinas explains this Other that is attached to the Same, morals and ethics beyond modernity is one that is revealed in the moral and unconditional responsibility that each person carries through their attitudes “along-with-the-Other” on the day, so collective.
For Bauman which allowed the violence to be authorized and dehumanized victims, was especially definitions and ideological doctrines, so for him the modern state can be saved by any moral conscience (Modernity and the Holocaust, p. 41), from whom? here is the late modernity resentful, but let himself say:
“If we stop trusting our own judgment, we will become sensitive to the fear of being wrong; call what we fear of sin, fear, guilt or shame, but whatever the name, we feel the need to review the expert hand to bring us back to the comfort of safety “(Bauman, p. 42).

Where are recruited experts state, no different hobbies of his “Leviathan”, that is the late modernity, the solid that is the state and not be together-with-the-Other.
Peter Sloterdijk warns: “the contempt for the masses”, otherwise the morale of the repressors, dictators and nostalgic of the “modern state” or self-righteous moralists.

Bauman, Zygmunt. Ethics Postmodern, Blackweel. Pub. Limited, 1993.