Arquivo para April 17th, 2015

Machiavelli and Machiavellian

17 Apr

By unstable political situations and imagine how it was possible makes them stable, Machiavelli living from 1969 to 1527, ThePrincea period in which they establish the first stable governments in many small European states, but almost always ruled by a prince with absolute power, however , wrapped in big trouble and instability, this was the context in which Niccolo Machiavelli wrote his major work “The Prince” (1513).
Machiavelli tries to answer relevant questions today: that vice and virtue are tolerated in rulers, appeals to humanity’s ruling as follows: all will say it is commendable find a prince only considered good qualities, among all those above, but not and you can own them, not fully observe them, because the human condition does not allow it, you need it to be as prudene you know escape the infamy of those vices that they would lose power: and if possible also avoid the vices that not you take power, but failing that, can leave them without giving them importance.
So while he admits beneficial addictions, he claims that an ordinary moral could lead to destruction of the State and Machiavelli admits political attitudes that may be considered addictions, but sees that there is a kind of addiction that is not acceptable to the State.
Simply put it is acceptable to any dose of favoritism due to the presence in the state of an ordinary person who has vices, but it is not acceptable that any kind of lack of morals is found in rulers because it can lead to destruction of the State.
To assess common men have to have clear criteria for judgment, things would be accepted in ordinary people and therefore tolerable in rulers and things which governments would not be admissible, thus says the author of the Prince: “There are qualities that have the appearance of virtue, but take the prince to ruin; and others, under the guise of addiction, produce their safety and their well-being “of course it’s good this political and not your pocket.
Those are not acceptable vices that to maintain wellness, destroy the welfare of the state and therefore of all the people, finally the art of government must have principles.