Arquivo para March, 2016

Tolerance or confrontation in Brazil

17 Mar

Brazil is going through a serious political Toleranciacrisis, perhaps the greatest in its history.

In a situation like this, the people who are generally peaceful lives the dilemma of tolerance,

The term tolerance of the Latin “tolerare” means contradictory so much “support” and “accept” legally tolerance is the act of indulgence before having something you do not want or that you can not stop.

Tolerance is a fundamental attitude to life in society, always we propose the confrontation we run the risk of failing to live in society.

A tolerant person usually accepts different opinions or behaviors different from those established by the social environment, but this kind of tolerance is called “social tolerance”.


Tolerance is a fundamental attitude to life in society, always we propose the confrontation we run the risk of failing to live in society.

A tolerant person usually accepts different opinions or behaviors different from those established by the social environment, but this kind of tolerance is called “social tolerance”.

You can within a given culture tolerate questions they are opposed, for example, religions and ideological, only for didactic reasons, but any divergence of cultures can lead to radicalism and confrontation.

The confrontation often leads to a dramatic situation and could result in death or wounding people, even if they are with words, is hurting the dignity of the other.

I leave a question: how should we accept the Other in their differences? a different culture must have the right survival within a diverse culture, this will be the World fatherland of the future, who are prepared for it?


Are we reading minds ?

16 Mar

A device size of a matchstick that reads thought, called stentrode wasStentrode developed by researchers at the University of Melbourne (Australian) with a test done on animals to test the ability of neural signals and convert them into electronic signals.

The initial idea is to use the device to move a bionic arm for example, and would be easily implanted and not being invasive (would be implanted in the neck of a patient and positioned in a blood vessel), as the doctor said Terry O’Brien, Department of Medicine and Neurology at the University and a member of the research team.

O’Brien said:. “The great innovation is that we now have a minimally invasive brain-computer interface device that is potentially practical for use in the long run” as news on the university website that announced the stentrode.

Current methods to access precise brain signals require complex surgery with opening the skull and become less effective after a few months, the control signals of unreliability.

The stentrode is less invasive because it is attached to a vein in the neck and therefore easier maintenance.

Will the future be able to read thoughts and communicate by brain signals?


Networking media fight for privacity

15 Mar

Apple expects the outcome of the fight against the US government thatNoEntry wants to release software that keeps sensitive data of this company, Apple is a private company that keeps your software and private content, to say something about the “privacy”.

I believe it will take, then the feature that Apple introduced in February to a court to unblocking one phone to the FBI of the December 2015 shooting of authors in the Californian city of San Bernardino (left there 14 dead and 22 wounded) still follow the American justice system and we do not know where it will stop.
For the company’s bitten apple, the repercussions would cause “significant damage to civil liberties, society and national security” as news of the Guardian.

Also according to the British tabloid the next few weeks the Whatsapp plans to expand its coding systems so that also your voice messages are encrypted, as well as messages in groups, also Facebook will launch tools soon as Snapchat and Google work in this direction .
According to experts in Silicon Valley’s leading companies on the issue of privacy at the time that Apple locks the legal battle with the United States Department of Justice, other companies will in the vacuum of this battle.
Even the British newspaper reports that the projects of these companies indicate that the industry is willing to publicly support Apple with concrete actions against the demands of the US government, then the fight will open.


Brazilian Agriculture and Technology

14 Mar
 The are mistaken who believe that agriculture and domestic livestock areSojaRude reaching the levels reached without technology, breathing only sector of the economy, there is much there technology.

It was opened on Wednesday (09/03) passage in Campo Grande (MS), the 11th edition of Farming Dynamics – Dinapec, an event that over the years won the trust of farmers and has been considered one of the most important in the industry agricultural.

In a 30 hectares area are several stands, and for three days there was the exhibition of technologies; 9, 10 and 11 performances of 15 subjects scripts and 10 practical workshops totaling more than 40 technology.

A prominent technology was soybeans (photo) that can be planted either in the system integrated systems such as crop-livestock (ILP) and crop-livestock-forest (IAFP).

The Dinapec is aimed at farmers, family farmers, businessmen linked to agribusiness, researchers, technicians and professionals of agriculture, teachers and students of rural technical schools and universities throughout Brazil.

Ali was signed technical cooperation agreement between Embrapa and Connan (National Animal Nutrition Co.), also a declaration of interests between the State MS Embrapa and Wri Brazil on State Carbon Neutral Program and was made a nine graduation students Agroescola Program.

It was held at Embrapa headquarters with free admission.


National Agriculture and Technology

the are mistaken who believe that agriculture and domestic livestock are reaching the levels reached without technology, breathing only sector of the economy, there is much there technology.

It was opened on Wednesday (09/03) passage in Campo Grande (MS), the 11th edition of Farming Dynamics – Dinapec, an event that over the years won the trust of farmers and has been considered one of the most important in the industry agricultural.

In a 30 hectares area are several stands, and for three days there was the exhibition of technologies; 9, 10 and 11 performances of 15 subjects scripts and 10 practical workshops totaling more than 40 technology.

A prominent technology was soybeans (photo) that can be planted either in the system integrated systems such as crop-livestock (ILP) and crop-livestock-forest (IAFP).

The Dinapec is aimed at farmers, family farmers, businessmen linked to agribusiness, researchers, technicians and professionals of agriculture, teachers and students of rural technical schools and universities throughout Brazil.

Ali was signed technical cooperation agreement between Embrapa and Connan (National Animal Nutrition Co.), also a declaration of interests between the State MS Embrapa and Wri Brazil on State Carbon Neutral Program and was made a nine graduation students Agroescola Program.

It was held at Embrapa headquarters with free admission.


Everything is obvious, if you know

11 Mar

Duncan J. Watts is author known networks because their work on how networks


function, an essential aspect is that the six degrees of freedom, whereby through six degrees of connection, we are connected to all, depending of course on the insertion any network, there are those invisible that are not seen by any network.

His book Everything is obvious, since you know the answer (as common sense deceives us), gives clues to a new way of thinking, published in 2011 had a translation of Peace and Earth in 2015, explains the misconceptions about future.

Explains that contemporary rationalization is beneficial, but it can lead to misunderstandings “. The implicit belief that people are rational until proven otherwise is an optimistic belief, even sensible to be encouraged” (WATTS, 2015 pp . 47)

The basic problem is when we want to pass it to people: “However, exercise to rationalize the behavior overshadows an important difference between what we mean when we talk about” understand “human behavior, as opposed to the behavior of electrons, proteins or planets.” (WATTS, 2015, pp. 47)

And clarifies that being a network, can not be confused with these electrons or proteins, “But none are expected to understand how to be an electron – no doubt, even the notion of such an expectation is laughable.” (WATTS, 2015 pp. 48)

This is where media networks (which are technologies) can affect people (that are connected through the media).


Old New State: without dialogue

10 Mar

The dialogue roads in the national situation seem exhausted, what you see onDilmaGetulio the networks are offenses and certain insanity, but we must be honest, on both sides, no prospect of dialogue only among those who “covet” the power.


One side threatened with violence, the other rebate with ironies, memes and insults; among politicians, the power struggle was never so deep: it is power for power.

The Brazil experienced similar crises, but not to compare with Collor, although both had the word impeached, I think the most comparable situation is the New State (named this time in Brasil) about Getúlio Vargas in years 50.


Getulio Vargas (04.19.1882 – 08.24.1954) had ruled for two terms in the period was that of Brazil from 1930 to 1945 (installed the dictatorship phase) and from 1951 to 1954, called New State, we hope not is the case of Brazil, because the comparison is that it was a period of labor laws and benefits for workers.


Companhia Siderurgica Nacional, Companhia Vale do Rio Doce and Hydropower of the São Francisco Valley, in 1938, created the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics.

Vargas returned in 1950 by popular vote, curiously with the campaign the oil is ours, was the creation of Petrobras which limited foreign influence here.


The similarities with the opposition of the mining and São Paulo oligarchies, discontent military with what they saw in action “left”, the press also spared Vargas, and ended that suicide.


It is important to eliminate corruption from anyone, but we can not forget that the old oligarchies and colonels still there connected to power and without losing benefits and are more involved in historical forms of corruption and lobbying, is that Brazil will be passed the clean, I would imagine so, but it is not what it seems.


After printer, now 3D pen

09 Mar

After the printer, 3D pens It is the launch of WobbleWorks company, creatorEsculturas3D of the first mercado, 3D pen announced the launch of a children’s version of the portable printer called 3Doodler Start a portable printer, reference 3D printers.

The company ensures that it is completely safe, the pen now available for children is a version of the pen “adult” 3D 3Dooler launched in 2013 but had a successful release in 2015.

For this release the controls and operation have been simplified for use by children (actually the recommended minimum age is 8 years), to leave the plastic simply press the single button on the pen to start the output of plastic that is overheated internally.

The market that all copies did not wait long, since there are several alternative models, one is the Lix Pen, a pen developed by a team of designers and engineers with 14mm diameter, the object has the body made of aluminum and concentrates a weight 40 grams, and there are many other eastern origin.

The 3D printers followed the front of this market, their designs are more accurate, faster and generally were made by artists, but this new market that encourages individual creativity, particularly teenagers tend to grow.



Talking to computers

08 Mar
Researchers at the University of Southern California (USC) researchers are developingEve2 a high-speed language processing system, which attempt to reproduce human efficiency of decision-making in slang, words shortening and other language vices that are embedded in everyday While we human speakers can often understand and respond to what someone is saying to us in a fraction of a second, a typical voice interface will require much longer–often a second or two–to try to understand what you have said and respond in an appropriate way,” as said Professor David USC DeVault to NSF Foundation’s website.

Researchers are looking for new techniques that can simplify man-machine conversation, allowing the system to perform all computer processing steps required in any real-time while a user is talking, the systems available for smartphones are still slow and annoying.

The researchers note that systems often fail to realize what it means that what is said and how it should respond before the user has finished speaking. 

For demonstration developed an agent for high performance game called Eve, where users describe the images they see on the computer screen and the agent tries to guess what they are talking fast and as accurately as possible, that is, trying imitate humans. 

The system uses speech processing algorithms “incremental” to increase the speed of understanding agent, as described DeVault to the NSF website: “These findings underscore the importance of enabling systems to not only understand what users are saying, but to do so as quickly as a human would,” said DeVault. 

It is the future coming and unlike saying that automatic translation systems are not possible, this system, although embryonic, could revolutionize the translation and conversation with machines.


(Português) Morre criador do email

07 Mar

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


(Português) O Brasil e a via para o futuro

04 Mar

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.