Arquivo para April 22nd, 2016

Brazilian crisis: similarities with 54 and 64

22 Apr

I stated in my blog the progress of the current crisis was more like 54EraVargas than 64 who claim the government supporters, although history never repeat (Marx said that first as tragedy and then as comedy, and 64 was the tragedy).


The facts for many Brazilians who do not know history, but they would take better care of our fragile and delicate democracy, let us take the fact that at 54 led to the suicide of Vargas and vice president pose Café Filho, one of his opponents.


Getúlio had been elected with the campaign “The oil is ours”, and created the state which caused some discontent of business sectors, and also increased the minimum wage by 100% ensuring popular base for your govern.

Had as severe opposition journalist Carlos Lacerda (there are some but highlight prof. Marcos Villa and Reinaldo Azevedo) with the difference that this was reportedly linked to UDN.


In August morning of 05 journalist Carlos Lacerda suffers paying attention which gets hurt, and the Marshal of the Air Force Rubens Vaz is murdered, it is discovered that Gregory Fortunato, one Getulio man, a former police officer, called the black cover is appointed is the mastermind of the crime.


Crime called the attack Toneleros Street, is decisive for the campaign against Vargas winning fans all over Brazil and also the vice president is campaigning for Getulio resigns along with it, to create a coalition government.


Thus, the president begins to be pressed by politicians, the military, the business sectors.


In my view the similarities stop here, as in the present case it is possible way out of the crisis.


On August 24, 1945, alone in his room in Catete Palace (the seat of government was in Guanabara State), Vargas decides to take his life to “go down in history.”