Arquivo para July 12th, 2016

TDM in Digital Humanities

12 Jul


Digital Humanities is an emerging field that seeks to explore social and MoleculeResinhuman consequences in digital environments, so consider the more correct name Humanity in Digital Environments, and TDM (Text and Data Mining) is one of these trends.
A London School blog has just published interesting article that points to a trend that libraries and librarians operate and assist in the use of TDM for research and searches.
The blog explains that in particular the amendment of the Hargreaves review of copyright in the UK, remove legal barriers to explore texts and make data mining (TDM) on the corpus of the research literature, then the article explores how libraries and librarians can facilitate the work of researchers who want to apply TDM methods in library resources to either print or electronic sources.
The article also states that in the case of resource libraries, librarians can advise researchers and encourage them to use the new rules of copyright exceptions, which means that they can overcome certain copyright barriers.
The blog explains that this can mean valuable resources, for example, in research on molecular chemistry (photo), crystallography and other very confidential areas.
The article points out that as an example of Digital Humanities, a major newspaper body of the Victorian era can be mined to extract jokes this time, and can also analyze other aspects of time and UK social history.
It’s not just the electronic corpus that can be extracted, although it article provides a copy of scanning for example TDM purposes to aid the reader.