Arquivo para July 15th, 2016

The rationalism and empiricism of Hume

15 Jul

In the chapter of the Starting Soint (in the book of Peter Kreeft), Socrates Empirismbegins to dialogue with Hume, assumes that there is a break from life in the thought of the empiricist and rationalist in the background is.


Explaining, it is Descartes who founded the modern rational thought with the idea that everything can be explained by reason, but there it an essential relationship with the physical and mathematical logicism, Hume attempts to fix this by putting together the experience, but his empiricism is not exactly the “life” and Kant attempts later still reconcile the two with his idealism.

Returning to the script Peter Kreeft, which is a hypothetical Socratic dialogue with Hume, at the starting point, says Socrates to Hume: “Your division Descartes between mind and body: is defined and clear and is more rationalist than experimental . Almost no philosopher has ever had such a gap between his philosophy and his life. “(Kreeft, 2012).
And start the dialogue by saying that Hume is a “disguised Rationalist of Empiricist”:
“HUME: So since you intend does not judge my philosophy, I do not intend to judge your judgment … (follows) SOCRATES: … my suspicion that you are a rationalist, which comes from the other main point of the first section of your book … tell us what you intend to accomplish with your philosophy:

But we will not be reasonable to expect that philosophy, carefully cultivated […] to […] reveal, at least to some extent mobile and hidden principles that drive the human mind in its actions? Astronomers have long been content to deduce the phenomena visible the true movement, the order and magnitude of the heavenly bodies, … (follows) (quoting Hume in The essay on human understanding).


Here to explain what your science of ideas you want to achieve, make an analogy with Newton as he reduced the complex phenomena of the behavior of all matter to some exploratory principles also turnest … the complex of all consciousness phenomena a few exploratory principles. And it also looks more like a rationalist ideal than a Empiricist “(Kreeft, 2012).
Hume tries to explain that this reduction is possible, but will be attached to “cause and effect” of the physical world, is that the behavior and the complex human consciousness is?