Arquivo para August, 2016

(Português) Despertar o pensamento

17 Aug

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


Among the opium of the people and the intellectuals

16 Aug

Marx wrote his famous words: “religion is the opium of the people” butIntellectualsOpium we must remember that the religion he criticized mainly for his thesis against the “theologian” atheist Ludwig Feuerbach and more philosophical and forcefully in Ideology German in here there is a serious critique of Hegelianism (which he calls old), but no escape from Hegel (he self titled new Hegelian).

Now is Raymond Aron that takes up the question, was reading Ideology and Utopia of Paul Ricoeur, who are his classes at the University of Chicago in 1975, based on the first major test of Ideology from Mannheim, Saint-Simon and Fourier, which sees utopia, not reduced to disconnected from reality conditions, but from the critical and fruitful distance, see the utopia as social poetry.

But to get the book of Raymond Aron shook the foundations, in his view: “Communism is the first religion of intellectuals to be successful”, I do not know if it’s exactly like that, because in my opinion there are other beliefs, such as positivism , which really made religions, including places of worship, and many others that arise belief entrenched beliefs that have some unshakeable central dogma.

But back to the “opium of the people”, because I think this is the most serious problem to be solved in the religious sphere, because all that is under the label of “love” should be more explicit than the next, to say what contemporary philosophy calls Other.

But the defect of all that was called earlier materialism of Marx, including Feuerbach, was to design the object, reality, sensory act, in the form of the object or perception, but not as sensuous human activity, as practice not subjectively.

But this is Hegelian and not Christianity idealism, consider the essence of Christianity as theoretical activity, is also idealism, because it implies concrete acts, and biblical wisdom is very clear: “If you say,” I love God ” but hates his brother [need to be upgraded to the Other], it is a liar, because who does not love his brother whom he has seen, can not love God whom you do not see “(1 John 4:20).

The required update for the Other category, it is because globalization, and the visibility of the global village, allows us to get in touch with many cultures, and proximity (hence the brother word) is more universal, we see the distance (and this is the virtual ) which can be shaped to be close, with no personal familiarity, so it’s not his brother, but the Other.


Nicholas Carr back load

15 Aug

Critical of the indiscriminate use of technology, Nicholas Carr opened his


speech saying about autonomous vehicles, “I think a lot of views on the overall automation assume that every vehicle will be automated and the whole direction of infrastructure will not only mapped in minutes, but It will also be equipped with the kind of sensors and transmitters and the entire network infrastructure that we need.”, said to ComputerWorld.


New criticism because she had called “Dumbest generation” and in his 2003 book as the Harvard Business Review published the book, “IT Does not Matter” where Carr raised the ire of big names in technology which questions the notion that the iT infrastructure provides strategic advantages to companies.

His new book “Utopia is Creepy: And Other Provocations”, which will the American publisher Norton & Co. on 6 September. It is a compendium of articles, such as “Would Google making us stupid?” And “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of privacy,” now not only young people but all be stupid, imagine what it will mean the Pokemon Go So!

In the interview he says that when his blog was ten years old in 2015, he began to look back through the posts and I realized that many of the items still resounding today, he publishes interesting blog and book just now.

He says he saw what was happening in the world of technology, particularly in the rise of what we used to call Web 2.0 and is now known as social media and social networking, but does show how critical it is in those articles.

He also calls the “ideology of Silicon Valley” the sense that the Internet and social media were breaking down the barriers to personal expression, freeing people and as if we our trust in Silicon Valley and its programmers to lead a kind of Utopia. It is a collection of articles, but with a theme running through it.

Let’s wait for the book, but decidedly Nicholar Carr’s vision is pessimistic.


Aesthectic of Hegel

12 Aug

I was interested in studying the issue of religion in Hegel, motivatedHegelen by the book of Paul Ricoeur “Lectures on Ideology and Utopia” (1986), and also the question of Misericordy and Fraternity which came to be published in a book about “Misericórdia e Fraternidade” made by a group of brazilian´s intellectuals willing to put a scholarly light on the papal´s  Bull “Misericordiae vultus” launched in connection with the Jubilee year of Misericordy in Catholic Church.

I come across a quote in an old volume of Hegel thinkers collection on the aesthetic: “For us, art is no longer the highest form that the truth chooses to assert its existence” (p. 126), and more ” in the hierarchy of the means used to express the absolute, religion and stemmed culture of reason hold the highest degree, higher than the art “(p. 43) and then a near death sentence:” the present tense conditions not they are favorable to art “(p. 44).
But then it would not be appropriate to ask: what kind of art has survived, or rather aesthetic we can say that is the aesthetic of today? I see two answers only outlined a paraphrased Hegel himself is from the “truly real,” although this separate the sensible reality and the reality of art, and the second existential: because you can not order the death of art since even in the silence of our existence, it remains alive inside of poets, artists and singers, although mambembes (popular circus) are there.

What is limited to Hegel, since “is a representation of a meaning that is not conjugated with the expression, the representation remains always a difference between idea and form” (p. 101), but which at the bottom is the idealist problem of art.

The idea that it is possible to abstract from reality the sublime, as if it were non-existent in the sensitive representation is contrasted by its “existence” since art expresses Being even nonexistent and paradoxically, because if there is an expression, it is sensitive, that is their condition of existence.

We are required to agree with Hegel: “To make the proper matter, will be up to the monstrous, disfigures to form, it is produced the grotesque” (idem), but all these traits posed by Hegel are but his denial of sublime, the attempted destruction of art and beauty, which confirm the existence “in the depths of all that, in art, can be entitled to call harmonious, the absurd and contradictory survives” (Adorno, T., Theory Aesthetics, p. 130).


Hegel, G. W. Aesthetics. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973. (for download) (pages of the  brazilian edition).


The aesthetics and philosophy

11 Aug

Lost a little of aesthetics and philosophy within what is called “art” but inWilliamBlake Greek philosophy had a broader meaning the Greek term aisthetiké, literally can be “one who note that realize” so it is in the eye of the beholder, more than the look of the artist, then signifying the perception of beauty, harmony.

For german´s philosopher A.G. Baumgarten, to describe what in his time was called “criticism of taste”, in a way so it may mean our perception of culture.

Over time, the philosophy has always wondered about the essence of the beautiful, a central theme of aesthetic study for Plato meant good, and the origin of all aesthetic idealist this notion remains, but in the case of Aristotle, she It means two most realistic principles: imitation theory (reminiscent of modern virtuality) and catharsis.

The neo-Platonic theory of Plotinus that strongly influenced A.C.C. Shaftesbury (English school of moral feeling) and that influence some conceptions of romantic idealism, you see only the beautiful as manifestation of the spirit and see this in Hegel.

To correctly read Hegel, we need to regain French classicism (Descartes and Boileau-Despréaux), which will appear the concepts of “clarity” and “distinction” as beauty criteria, where it is clear the influence of reason.

The idea of ​​beautiful and sublime, will corroborate what Kant determines how character “a priori” of aesthetic judgment, identifying the beautiful as an “endless purpose” or as “science of all principles a priori of sensibility,” is the transcendental aesthetic.

This school will be names like Schiller, Goethe and W. von Humboldt, and influenced Hegel.

The William Blake’s painting (1957-1827) obre Newton (Figure) illustrates this period.


I have good taste ?

10 Aug

I see in a lot of cars this phrase (in brazilian cars), and I began to wonderIhaveGoodTaste. what it would take a large number of people of all social classes, parties and religions to begin to put this in the car, I asked a few people and the response was not convergent.
I remembered again the book is not finished in Theodore Dalrymple holidays: “Our culture … or what’s left of it,” which states that political, economic and cultural factors began to destroy our culture … or what’s left of it.
Thought is an unconscious but important reaction because something is bothering us as much as injustice (theft, corrupt, abuses, etc.) and the economic crisis.
Our notion of aesthetics and beauty seems changed, not just the one that selects colors and races, but in any race or color what really means the beautiful and the good.
The question of aesthetics is linked to contempt for the poetic, the imagery (and imaginary) and more deeply the concept of lost aesthetic since the beginning of modernity, this requires a deeper study of what we think of everyday life: a harmony to (in ) Being.


Pokémon Go and augmented reality

09 Aug

I arrive at my university to work and see a lot of students walking augmentedRealityalone or in groups there here, I thought it is-new strike, some proof of selection for a course, but they were what are now being called pokeballs capturing Pokemons but the scene was new and curious.
Since the past decade’s work and augmented reality environments, I thought a more productive use, virtual museums, studies of physics, chemistry or astrophysics; but the games were the first major use, it has become a fever and fever.
He told me a student who is not only out and go capturing Pokémon, incubating eggs, there are several tactics and mechanics that can become a better player than the others.
He summarized that way: not disperdice pokeballs, Pokemons with yellow circles around are very strong, look different Pokemons in different environments, capture Pokemons repeated that it is easier, and need not be connected with the camera the whole time.
But back to augmented reality, the Brazilian Congress in the area have been around since the end of the last millennium and the pioneer Dr. P. Milgram explains that actually are 4 levels: augmented reality, augmented virtuality and virtual environment, such as the Pokemons are the first level we think that there will be at least 3 more new developments.
What comes next may be even more surprising, then I think it is here to stay.



Augmented Reality and Pokemon Go I arrive at my university to work and see a lot of students walking alone or in groups there here, I thought it is-new strike, some proof of selection for a course, but they were what are now being called pokeballs capturing Pokemons but the scene was new and curious.
Since the past decade’s work and augmented reality environments, I thought a more productive use, virtual museums, studies of physics, chemistry or astrophysics; but the games were the first major use, it has become a fever and fever.
He told me a student who is not only out and go capturing Pokémon, incubating eggs, there are several tactics and mechanics that can become a better player than the others.
He summarized that way: not disperdice pokeballs, Pokemons with yellow circles around are very strong, look different Pokemons in different environments, capture Pokemons repeated that it is easier, and need not be connected with the camera the whole time.
But back to augmented reality, the Brazilian Congress in the area have been around since the end of the last millennium and the pioneer Dr. P. Milgram explains that actually are 4 levels: augmented reality, augmented virtuality and virtual environment, such as the Pokemons are the first level we think that there will be at least 3 more new developments.
What comes next may be even more surprising, then I think it is here to stay.


Oversimplification problems reductionist

08 Aug

As there is much current information, but little quality information, the Fractalreductionist principle, we should always adopt a simpler solution, like that of Ockham’s razor, between two explanations, choose the easier it seems today lead us to very complex things , which is a paradox with the principle of “simplification” reductionist.

The most reductionism is Manichaeism, that is entirely good or bad, it was something settled in the fourth century by Augustine of Hippo, to say that evil is the absence of good, but the problem returned with Hanna Arendt in “The banality of evil” or Martha Nussbaum “The fragility of goodness” or good, as some prefer translators.

Fractals are a good example of complexity, but there is the ideal simplification of numbers, the butterfly effect is another example, Edgar Morin wrote about the complex thinking.

In 1995, the Italian Piergiorgio Odifreddi, dedicated to the “liar’s paradox” of Epimenides, according to which all Cretans would be lying by a “systemic” logic.

Epimenides showed the error of worshiping gods that could not help them at all, and told them to put sheep in the Areopagus high that they would show them the place that God wanted to be worshiped. It was then that an act “mystical” the sheep down the Areopagus and went to a place where there was no kind of idolatry, there is the altar of the Unknown God that the Bible speaks, but curiously Christians are unaware of its origin.

Einstein doing a fairly simple radiciocínio, he said: “We can not solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”, ie those who are in a systemic logic may collapse without solving their problems or become liars saying it has no problems, technology is one of these.

The problem or the proper use of technology should be treated in its complexity, it is there.


Opening of the Olympics game and Brazil´s view

05 Aug

Unlike the World Cup, the Olympics inspire me little, but I fear that the openingCaravels party can today be a fiasco, because we have a reading of aliens our own culture: mulatto, indigenous folklore and Northeast and perhaps something of European miscegenation, but what is the reading that we do in our society?

I remembered the book Theodore Dalrymple: “Our culture … or what’s left of it,” not finished reading the holidays because they were short of all but one chapter of the psychiatrist and writer caught my attention: “How to read a society”.
Starts counting the period went to the Iron Curtain and was carrying a book La Russie Marques de Custine published in 1843, and that made me see that under the then Communist world was a Russia was a country originates, since all early part of the book was to describe the origins of Russia and second, the author gives you clues of the true Russia.
I think it’s possible this reading to Brazil, if we think of the colonial divisions of hereditary captaincies, the purpose of the Olympics found curious caravels coming arrival of the Sagres School, who knows we may present something more dignified than in the World Cup.


Step six pages of communism, to the party that will describe the work of Alexis de Tocqueville published in 1835: Memoire sur le Paupérisme published shortly after his famous Democracy in America.

As a doctor used to go on the outskirts, he points a Tocqueville paradox when visiting England, the country of Dalrymple, a sixth of the population were beggars, he “found not only the physical filth, but also emotional and moral degradation” (p. 218).
The parallel between the authors Custine and Tocqueville’s view on companies apparently parallel the same interaction “between cultic, political regime and human character” (p. 219), and maybe this will help read the Brazilian society.


In presenting picturesquely our culture, we removed the cultural dignity of indigenous, black and also Europeans and migrants who have made this their country, Brazil beautiful and so has their culture is under the rubble since the arrival of the caravels to politics current, on the outskirts abandoned to their fate


(Português) Drones delivery

04 Aug

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.