Arquivo para September, 2016

Hermeneutics, dialogue and wisdom

16 Sep

There is a regular relationship in which the process of understanding occurs,circulohermeneutico are the attributes of the understood thing moving inside of him that understands, but this dynamic is only possible if the fact that dialogue happens, because in the end we will no longer who we were before.

The movement is closed when we stay inside and a closed circle, so avoiding the question fall into dogmatism (of various types) and not whitening.

This easy fia task to keep us in keeping the movement, difficult when we are within dogmatic circles in which any speech “outside” can be seen as a danger to our dogmas.

This is the hermeneutic horizon for education, he emerged from his critique of scientism, whose deployment was to break with fundamental concepts presented in Truth and Hans-Georg Gadamer method.

But this is ethical? for Gadamer the role of ethical decision is that of is in a concrete situation, which is fair, therefore more practical and current.

Stated more clearly a concrete ethical decision is found to help all to see and put in order all that entails a concrete situation (Gadamer, 1998, p. 51), but here we see applied idealistic ethic is unreal, it is given before concrete fact.

We can say then that the boundaries between technical and ethical knowledge disappears? A surprising response, Gadamer help us in this, is the Aristotelian analysis of phronesis, ie, a technique is learned and can be forgotten, that is one can lose an ability to exercise it when we are facing a dogmatism, so more of course, a fanaticism.

Technical because the ethical knowledge or learns or forgets, is not as supposed lawyers is like knowing a profession, you can choose, I learned it in my childhood.

But no one can reject it and choose another to know, because, unlike the subject of phronesis, the man is already in action in a situation and thus always obliged to have an ethical knowledge and apply it according to the requirements of their specific situation (Gadamer, 1998, p. 52). Phronesis is the in- wisdom “formed” in each person.

Gadamer, H. G. The problem of historical consciousness. (references in portuguese edition).


The dialogue impossible

15 Sep


In the political field and the scenario that it is presented in national andeticaloother

international field, remember here Trumph versus Hillary the edge of one of the largest and most impressive witnessed campaigns in American history, a time that Donald Trumph seems like a character out of some banana republic dictators and not a great country.


Lack wisdom, some real rigor and even common sense, but let’s look at it another way, what happens in the knowledge of mankind.


At the edge of the second world war many were the signs of decay and conservative arrogance, but looking thought we could see: the circle of Vienna, but this was the Marburg School passed by Ernest Cassirer, Paul Natorp (1854-1924) and Hermann Cohen (1841-1918) who had published Theorie der Erfahrung, the starting point of this group.


All agreed that the main emphasis was the “theory of knowledge” and therefore will be in the epistemological chain, while elsewhere was reappearing, but with a new hue, ontology through the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl (1859-1938), of where they came from his student Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) and then Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005) and Emmauel Levinas (1905-1995), and many others of course.


What was at stake between the apparent debate between gnoseologies and ontologies, Popper (1902-1994), Lakatos (1922-1974) and Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996) are not the same question about the thought of what is knowledge and science also is in play between ontologies, because since Husserl, I think his teacher Franz Brentano should be evaluated part, to Levinas and Ricoeur, can be thought so, from where the knowledge but of being, and not part of being that is the truth, that is, the question is knowledge, hermeneutics that is metaphysical and scientific, then it is in the three fields, although targeted.


For something thoughtless and totally new, Schleiermacher considering the Bible as a text of historical-literary nature, proposed a method which now serve to elucidate not only the Scripture but also of all the texts that possess this nature, under this influence Hans Georg Gadamer (1900-2002) reexamines Heidegger and proposes the hermeneutical circle, reviewing the pre-concepts, proposes the fusion of horizons and the reading of the author, resurfaces the field of hermeneutics now on linguistics and ontology, new ample space for dialogue.


(Português) Dora Ferreira da Silva: poeta-filósofa

14 Sep

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Commitment or awareness

13 Sep

Immediate consciousness, even what we call political consciousness,desvelar intentionality is a denial in the sense that this “is an essential feature of the sphere of experiences because all experiences have, in one way or another, intentionality …” (Ideas I, Husserl, § 84), that is, lived experience.

So what is essential for the phenomenon is to be attached to a key link in the intentional life (is opposed to the other have consciousness, which, a priori, are idealistic and somewhat “empty”) and therefore intentional is quite differently consciousness.

It is the understanding of a being that exists in each ones, which can give a state-of-things, a universality, a value, which in philosophy is called a ‘there own “, or” immediately appeared, or many authors (Husserl, Buber and others) the US iT, which points to something confusedly, empty and pure spectator, but at the same fear his being even (of something) is observed, recognized and experienced.

So for Edmund Husserl, intentionality is “what characterizes consciousness in serious and concordant sense to indicate the current of lived experience as stream of consciousness, and as consciousness of unity” (Ideas I, § 84)

Therefore Husserl say his famous words: “consciousness exists only as consciousness of something”, and we could complete that something exists only if it is lived experience of someone.

So is this intentional consciousness that makes the world appear as evident and no more conscious (in the conventional sense), so it is not set as a definite, but put us on the horizon in the world of life, that is the phenomenological attitude.


Technology, media and Heidegger

12 Sep

The question of technique brings the essence, which means in clearer termsamypurdy what is the “agency means to achieve the purpose,” for this use technology causes unease in some, it is necessary to understand the “means” They are used for certain “ends”.

Aristotle classified into four causes set for operative purposes, which in a sense are the means where the efficient cause (which reaches the ends), is one that more properly is tied to products or effectuation of the effects.

For the record the other three causes: the material, the substance that is made right thing, the formal, the essence of the thing and the end: why something exists, it is that many confuse.

In the Greek meaning the cause is walking in operative relationship, ie the effectuation can be replaced as the commitment, and the four causes can be seen as compromising the production of a thing.

Thus overcomes the idea of ​​making something from something to an end, and we must reject even what is called use “conscious” thing “, you may have a personal interpretation or even utilitarian than is this use.

Heidegger’s sense is let go, the ocasionamento or what comes to appear, so a child is surprised by the technique and the adult is concerned, it happens something new in what may be called the natural plane, with the difference that the technically produced, that is let appear through a built environment and not something in the nature.

What appears again in Heidegger’s text “The question of technique” is that the question is not left out, but is a fit between means and ends, leaving the purely instrumental sphere to the “unveiling” of the technique, which in sometimes it’s hard throughout complexity that hides it;

What it does is establish a relationship between the use of the technique and the truth, which remains trapped when it makes its use without establishing this relationship, which means the representation of an end to the use of a technique, ie, check if we make “accurate representation” what you want to achieve (end) using this medium (technique).

The dancer Amy Purdy made a presentation of a dance accompanied by an industrial robot in Paraolimpic overture, representing man’s relationship with technology (Picture).



(Português) Um país rico, ainda com muita pobreza

07 Sep

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(Português) O Tu como encontro com o Eterno

06 Sep

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(Português) Diálogo, filosofia e o Outro

05 Sep

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(Português) Maniqueísmo nos dias de hoje

02 Sep

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(Português) Hermenêutico e dialogia

01 Sep

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