Arquivo para September 30th, 2016

(Português) As condições ambientais das cidades

30 Sep

An little item noticed, and that is part of IBEU report by the Centre of Brazilian Metropolises,ibeumunicipal_ambientais is environmental conditions, those who lived in wooded cities with rivers unpolluted across cities can say this, as good quality of life this item means.

Fortunately in 2,182 Brazilian municipalities (39.2% of the total) the conditions are very good in 1443 (25.9% of total) the conditions are good, giving a total of 65% of municipalities, but there are still 1,055 in average conditions and 788 in bad conditions of welfare environmental, leaving 97 in very bad conditions, respectively represent 18.9% (medium), 14.1% (bad) and 1.7% (very bad).

A dimension that we do not treat here, but consists of the reports are the urban public services, adequate treatment of water, sewage and energy, as well as adequate garbage collection, since more than 50% of poor municipalities presentation conditions or very bad in this type of service.

The work was coordinated by Professor Marcelo Gomes Ribeiro, and had the fellows Gustavo Henrique P. Costa, Breno Willians N. Machado, Marina Martins de Araujo, Vitor Vilar Dromond, Dayanne N. de Oliveira Gomes and Tatiane Castro Torres