Arquivo para January, 2017

Truth & Method and Inductive Logic

17 Jan

As we have already explained, the revised sketch of The Problem of Historical Consciousness HermeneuticaLogicaafter the writing of Truth and Method, the maximal work of Hans-Georg Gadamer, is a good introduction to this work which clarifies many questions of contemporary philosophy: its problem which is clear Among others is its relation to social change, the question of method and especially what is true, but will have no less important minor points, such as dialogue.

Taking up the humanist tradition, he will re-read St. Thomas, St. Augustine and Vico, and clarifies the main problem of the philosophy of our time: “it differs from the classical tradition of philosophy because it does not represent an immediate and uninterrupted continuation of the latter.” Gadamer, 1997, p.35).

He criticizes the instrumentalisation of philosophical thought in the West that made him: whose relations with concepts became “a strange disengagement, whether their relations with these concepts are of the sort of erudite, not to say archaizing, or of the sort of technical manipulation , Which makes of concepts something like tools “(p.36).

He will critique what is called as the sciences of the spirit and will place as transcendent within an aesthetic dimension, denying the context of the logic of Stuart Mill, who claims to have a more correct formulation in the Treatise of Human Nature, and all the misconception of this concept.

He quotes the author J.G.Droysen, a scholar of the history of Hellenism, as an important attempt to give a new sense to history: “that the sciences of spirit should be founded in the same way as an independent group of sciences.” (Page 43).

He points to Stuart Mill’s induction logic, and even criticizes Scherer and Dilthey in stating that even these: “it remains the model of the natural sciences that guides the scientific self-conception of both” (page 44), it is easy to observe the consequences of A model that proposes to be critical of the romantic model, but ends up returning to its own core.

He asserts that even Dilthey came to the conclusion that Helmhotz made, that there is no method for the sciences of the spirit, and that method here: “If the other conditions, under which the sciences of the spirit are, Their way of working, perhaps much more important than inductive logic. “(Page 45)

We can not deny it, after all, Hegel wrote the Phenomenology of the Spirit, and even his critics sought a method to adjust it to historical consciousness, he clarified that the answer they gave “to this question is not enough … follow Kant, for being guided by the concept Of science and of knowledge according to the model of the natural sciences and to seek the striking singularity of the sciences of the spirit in the artistic moment (artistic feeling, artistic induction) “(page 45)

GADAMER, H.G. Truth and Method, London,New York: Continuum, 1975. (pages in Brazilian Edition).


Hermeneutics and the end of idealism

16 Jan

It was Husserl who made the human sciences out of the Neo-Kantian slumber, IdealismHermenuticsas described by Gadamer in speaking of what he called “hermeneutics of facticity”: “his analyzes of the” world of life “(Lebenswelt) and the anonymous constitution of all meaning and meaning Which form the soil and texture of experience, have definitively shown that the concept of objectivity represented by the sciences was only a particular case “(Gadamer, p.39).

However Husserl was still attached to a subjective metaphysics of the phenomenon, such as Hegel would define as the Phenomenology of the Spirit, and then the old opposition between nature and spirit is reviewed, a fact almost unnoticed and emphasized by Gadamer: “the Human sciences and Nature must be understood from the intentionality of universal life “(ibid.).

Thus, with the resumption of the question of being, Husserl’s discoveries, when deepened by Heidegger, gave a sense of the most radical phenomenology: in realizing: that it is not necessary to separate, on the level of knowledge, the being of the nature of the historical being ” As Dilthey did … on the contrary, the mode of knowledge proper to the natural sciences is a kind of derivative of understanding, as Heidegger says in Sein und Zeit, ‘applies to the legitimate task of apprehending things [the Vorbandene, the entity ´Subsistent ‘] in its essential incomprehensibility “(Gadamer, pp. 39-40).

Heidegger’s knowledge assumes an ontological status, said in a seemingly complicated way, but is not, unlike [ideal knowledge]: “Understanding is the original form of realization of being-there human while being-in-the-world.” (Page 40).

Here the differentiation of practical interest and theoretical interest, understanding is the way of being-there that constitutes it as “know-being” (savoir-être) and “possibility” (idem).

Gadamer himself explains that for traditional hermeneutics, the Heideggerian theses seem provocative, because it explains, the verb Versteben (to understand in German) has two meanings: to understand the meaning of something, and to be understood in something.

While understanding (versteben) can mean that we understand something like going to the moon or the operation of an equipment, already the know-how, has the sense of ability, and this means to perform a practical task, only there being differentiation of theory and practice in the plane Of training rather than at the theoretical level. In the textual saying of Gadamer: “He [Heidegger] seems to be essentially distinguished from the understanding that one obtains in scientific knowledge” (page 41).

Although we are in the middle of the text, it can be said that it is a conclusion: “if they finally reduce to the common knot of a ‘I know how to occupy’ that is, an understanding of itself in relation to something” (p. 41), in italics in the original


Hans-Georg Gadamer, “The Problem of Historical Consciousness,” in “H.-G. Gadamer,” special issue, Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 5:1, 1975, page number is brazilian edition.


Consciousness between epistemology and method

13 Jan

It is common sense that what we call interpretation is intimately bound up with theMetodo method and worldview that we have, but in practice we stay in the “it’s my opinion.”
Gadamer goes deeper into this theme by saying that “what modern consciousness assumes precisely as ‘historical consciousness’ – a reflective position in relation to all that is transmitted by tradition.” (page 18), that is, “historical no longer beatifically hears the voice that comes to him from the past, but when he reflects on it, he re-places it in the context in which it originated, in order to see the relative meaning and value that are proper to it “(idem) .
And this sentence of interpretation “goes back to Nietzsche, according to which all statements derived from reason” are susceptible of interpretation “(p. 21).
However, he returns to Hegel to clarify that “the human sciences possess with the natural sciences, a link that distinguishes them precisely from an idealistic philosophy: the human sciences also pretend to constitute themselves as legitimate empirical sciences, free from all metaphysical intrusion, and They reject all philosophical construction of universal history (idem), and here we enter into the question of method.
The idea of adopting scientific methods of the natural sciences prevented the human sciences from taking a “radical consciousness of themselves” (idem), and asks at the end of the paragraph: “Why not rather the old Greek concept, Of method should prevail ? “(Page 21)
Aristotle uses this to explain the question of method: “The idea of a single method, which can be determined even before investigating the thing, constitutes a dangerous abstraction, it is the very object that must determine the proper method to investigate it”
The Brazilian translation has 71 pages, is easy and simple to read, and I consider it useful for an introduction to Gadamer’s masterpiece “Truth and Method”.

Hans-Georg Gadamer, “The Problem of Historical Consciousness,” in “H.-G. Gadamer,” special issue, Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 5:1, 1975, page number is brazilian edition
Consciência entre a epistemologia e o método
Sabe-se no senso comum que o que chamamos de interpretação está intimamente ligado ao método e visão de mundo que temos, mas na prática, ficamos no “é minha opinião”.
Gadamer vai mais fundo neste tema, ao colocar que “aquilo que a consciência moderna assume precisamente como ‘consciência histórica´- uma posição reflexiva com relação a tudo que é transmitido pela tradição.” (pag. 18), ou seja, “a consciência histórica já não escuta beatificamente a voz que lhe chega do passado, mas, ao refletir sobre a mesma, recoloca-a no contexto em que ela se originou, a fim de ver o significado e o valor relativos que lhe são próprios” (idem).
E sentencia: “esse comportamento reflexivo diante da tradição chama-se interpretação” (pag. 19), e explica que essa noção de interpretação“ remonta a Nietzsche, segundo o qual todos os enunciados provenientes da razão“ são suscetíveis de interpretação” (pag. 21).
Entretanto retorna a Hegel para esclarecer que “as ciências humanas possuem com as ciências da natureza, vinculo que as distingue precisamente de uma filosofia idealista: as ciências humanas possuem igualmente a pretensão de se constituir como legítimas ciências empíricas, livres de toda intrusão metafísica, e recusam toda construção filosófica da história universal (idem), e aqui entramos na questão do método.
A ideia de adotar métodos científicos das ciências da natureza, impediram que as ciências humanas tivessem procedessem a uma tomada de “consciência radical acerca de si mesmas” (idem), e pergunta ao final do parágrafo: “Porque não antes o conceito antigo, grego, de método deveria prevalecer?” (pag. 21)
Utiliza Aristóteles para explicar a questão de método: “a ideia de um método único, que se possa determinar antes mesmo de investigar a coisa, constitui uma perigosa abstração, é o próprio objeto que deve determinar o método apropriado para investiga-lo” (idem).
A tradução brasileira tem 71 páginas, é de leitura fácil e simples, e considero útil para uma introdução na obra prima de Gadamer “Verdade e Método”.
GADAMER, H.G. O problema da consciência histórica, 3ª. Edição. Rio de Janeiro: FGV, 2006.


The problem of consciousness

12 Jan

We emphasize that although Bauman’s sociology deals with social issues, there is a conscienciahistoricaproblem of “net awareness” and in our view a relation to hermeneutics, but how to deal with the problem of consciousness, Husserl would say: what consciousness must be “something “And therefore it is not possible to treat it with idealism, which sees something outside the subject.

The best book on the question is Truth and Method of Hans-Georg Gadamer, but a book written earlier, which he himself said would be expendable for being an outline of his larger work, “The Problem of Consciousness History” in our view has something New and important.

The author himself says in the introduction that, when invited to conferences at the University of Louvain, that the problem of “historical consciousness” is something that involves Europe, it was only in Germany “that theme played a central role in philosophy, especially Thanks to Wilhelm Dilthey … outside the sphere of German culture, the romantic tradition of the Geitesuwisenschaften *“(page 10), is more related to the philosophy of nature.

It is for this reason that, in our view, this seminal work of Truth and Method not only deepens the problem of “historical consciousness,” but rather uncovers the relationship with the philosophy of nature, which outside Germany profoundly influenced modern state theories .

The translation, which comes from the French edition of 1996, is already revised by Gadamer himself and is therefore already a rereading, and in it there is an important question about the reproductive arts and their obvious relationship with the technologies, whereas in the German conception “Seek parity with the natural sciences” (page 11).

According to Gadamer, if Dilthey set out to provide an epistemic basis for understanding the question, he was not as an interpreter of text, but as a theorist of the method of a historical school who did not see “the comprehension of texts or fragments of the past as his goal Last “(quote from Gadamer himself), his hermeneutic view as Schleimacher’s successor, hopes to understand how history can” ultimately be understood “(p.12).

“Hermeneutics is the universal method of historical science” (page 12).

* Geitesuwisenschaften or “sciences of spirit” is a set of human sciences such as philosophy, history, philology, social sciences, and sometimes even theology and jurisprudence, that are traditional in German universities.

Hans-Georg Gadamer, “The Problem of Historical Consciousness,” in “H.-G. Gadamer,” special issue, Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 5:1, 1975, page number is brazilian edition.


New yahoo says what came

11 Jan

After the July 2016 sale of Yahoo to the Verizon digital electronics industry for $ 4.8 altababillion ($ 15 billion), now the first changes is announced, the most important is the departure of CEO Marissa Mayer, and the name that may be Altaba.

The move signaled the end of an era, as Yahoo, in addition to its services and billions of visitors per month, was responsible at the beginning of the Web for many people entering the network.

Now it is known that pieces of the new company Altaba, the name says a lot, will be in use by the mega-site sales Alibaba and the Japanese internet portal, so far called Yahoo Japan, but that could also be renamed.

With the departure of the CEO, the idea is to turn it into an investment site and a board of directors that will be reduced from 11 to 5 people, ensuring agility and good business.

The statements were not official, but since the data leak that occurred in December 2016, high around data of 1 billion users, that is, the largest in history, the cloud about the future of the company is undoing.

At this time and after a second leak the business almost backed down

This new investment model, that is, using websites and capturing resources in digital networks, can have an impact on the world market, even though governments go back to the previous model that was founded on companies having resources and jobs in the country itself.


Zygmunt Bauman died (1925, 2017)

10 Jan

He died on Monday (9 January), the Polish sociologist (Poznan, 1925) who bauman2was of Jewish family, and fled his country and Nazism to the former Soviet Union, and was later a member of the Communist Party, from where Was expelled because of his works. He was a professor emeritus at the University of Leeds, where he passed away at 91 years of age. He created concepts such as liquid modernity and net love, but he did not understand the power of social networks, which he criticized harshly and did not adequately elaborate the crisis of modernity, predicting that it would go a long way until the inauguration of a new era, analyzing the crisis of the state.

Between works, still little read and analyzed, are like the Culture with Praxis (1973, without translation in Brazil), Challenges of the Modern World (2015) and The Wealth of Few Beneves All Us? (2015) because they are very recent.

I countered his book Lives Wrong I analysed in a post, the book The contempt for the masses, and also made analysis of his modernity locked in several posts, and also in another post I made a synthesis of his “liquidity” with the question of consciousness.

The last analysis we did of Bauman was an interview given to the newspaper El País in january 06 of the 2016, in which the newspaper itself affirms its pessimism. “His diagnosis of reality in his later books is highly Critical.”

Certainly his two works deserve to be read, he is a profound thinker, but I reaffirm my point of disagreement, although we live in times of setbacks, historically mankind has always managed to overcome its greatest difficulties on the path of progress for all, what we are living is An end to an “age” even though we do not know what will come next, there is certainly a demand for structural changes in society.


Golden Globe 2017

09 Jan

The awards began with smaller prizes, one of the curiosities was later camejustinharwitz the award for best supporting actor: Aaron Taylor Johnson of the film Night Animals, then better series actor and TV dramas, Billy Bob Thornton for the Gollath series, best actress of series or musical for TV: Tracee Ellis Ross of the series Blackish and for best TV series Atlanta, best actress of the series that counts the trial of O.J. Simpson, Sarah Paulson.

After little series or film for TV, the series People x OJ Simpson, Trace unexpectedly received the prize of, composers of soundtracks Moonlight and La la Land were expected and La Land won, it was a barbada, since Justin Harwitz (first picture) did a good job, and best original song again La La Land, by Justin as well, but which was received by the ensemble, having received better actor in comedy or musical film: Ryan Gosling and Damien Chazelle (second picture at center) received the award for best director and best scrip /photography.

Gradually the best actress award and best director was revealed, and the best supporting actress already seemed to indicate a different path in this award, the deserved Viola Davis, since best director for Denzel Washington and best film for Fences were not in the nominations, And justice was made received the award for best actor.

Best animation was Zootopia, with a message about diversity, and although the criticism indicated this personally, Moana and Trolls (which was not indicated) seem better to me.

Best Foreign Film Elle by the director of the Netherlands: Paul Verhoven.

Best actor in the miniseries went to English: Tom Hindleston, who starred in The Night Manager and Clarie Floy for The Crown, which won best drama series in the sequel.

La la Land was the big winner leading the 7 nominations, while Moonlight (Picture above) who won only best drama movie was the deception, in the Hollywood glamour and the ironies and jokes with Donald Trump, who already reacted saying that she would be Hillary’s mistress.


CES 2017 started

06 Jan

The largest electronics fair in the world, which marks the 50th anniversary, started with qledmore than 20,000 products to be launched, the Consumer Electronics Show in 2017 can be accessed by some sites that are broadcasting it live, of course some events, because the The event is an immense courtyard larger than the Anhembi Park Exposition of São Paulo.

Some products have come before in the market, Amazon’s Echo, for example, was a Christmas phenomenon and the sale sold out the week before the parties, the suggestive name is because you enter your home and an echo answers you, a Devices.

Samsung has launched, for example, a vacuum cleaner that connects to the Alexa system, but it has its own voice system that is SmartThings.

New TVs with advanced 4K OLED technology (called QLED by the definition of colors), and medium smatphones like the Samsung A7 (5.7 inch screen), A5 (5.2 inches) and A3 (4.7 inches) are trends.

The wearable ones, which began with the pluggable clocks, now go to other products like a scarf that measures and filters the pollution and can even connect to a sound amplifier (launch of the LG) that is in front of the neck, we remember that in the northern hemisphere it’s winter and here is summer

The drones are more accessible, simplified and modular, there is a curious launch of the GDU that can easily connect a camera to firm something near your home or explore a region where you are and make filming.

Another trend already clear is virtual reality and augmented, pokemons are just an application of this technology, the Oculus Rift glasses, the market since 2013 and the Playstation VR are already there, now the promise is a technology incorporated into mobile phones and more friendly.

The cars without drivers are already there, last year the Bolt was a success, now new cars are being expected from Ford, Honda, Volks, Hyundai and Toyota.

Cyborgs and androids, still stand for science fiction, just cute little robots like Egg


The Golden Globe 2017

05 Jan

We left some of Sloterdijk’s I Spheres to talk about the Golden Globe, themerylstreepdenzelwhashigton Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) award to be held on January 8.
The Golden Globe precedes the Oscar and often avoids surprises, a major award this year, according to Globo’s website, is the critically acclaimed musical “La la land: Singing Seasons,” which rescues the genre that made history in Hollywood, (Carrie Fisher), his mother Debbie Reynolds, a day after, who made the historic Sing in the Rain.
La la land as best comedy or musical film, also contends best director (Damien Chazelle), best actor in comedy or musical (Ryan Gosling) and best actress of comedy or musical (Emma Stone), as well as direction and original script (Damien Chazelle), song and soundtrack.
It will compete with the “traditional” film, the social networking film “Deadpool,” with other nominations also for best actor in comedy or musical with Ryan Reynolds.
With many indications also appear the dramas “Moonlight” with six nominations, and “Manchester seafront” with five.
Best director, along with Damien Chazelle (“Land Wing”), Tom Ford (“Night Animals”), Mel Gibson (“Till the Last Man”), Barry Jenkins (“Moonlight”) and Kenneth Lonergan -sea”).
Best Movies: “Up to the Last Man”, “At Any Cost”, “Lion”, “Manchester by the Sea” and “Moonlight”.
Meryl Streep, who is the best actress in comedy or musical for her participation in “Florence: Who’s That Woman?”, Will receive a prize for the work as a whole.
Among the best animations: “Moana”, “Ma vie de courgette”, “Kubo and the magic strings”, “Sing” and “Zootopia”, I missed the “Trolls” hopefully it will appear on the oscar list.
There are many other indications, with the little remembered, but interesting (I only saw the trailer, but the story strikes me as genius) “Fences”, which appears in the list of best supporting actress Viola Davis and best actor in drama Denzel Washington The director), should appear at least as best director and best film.
There is no indication for Star Wars and some pointers for “The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story” as the best actor for John Travolta, a bit forced.


Immunological spaces e the Creation

04 Jan

Sloterdijk from page 29 to 51 will give a detailed account of his interpretation of the biblical Genesis until the sixth day of creation, beginning with a situation of St. Augustine, which curiouslyfigurasbarrochina gives him the definition of immunology:

   They are not vessels full of you that make you   

 Firm and stable; Because, if they break, nor for    

This you will shed, and even when you shed    

Upon us you do not remain on the ground, but gather us together.

                               Op. Cit. St. Augustine, Confessions, I, iii

It will pass on page 31 by the equally important passage which is “an event which, in the account of Genesis, appears in two versions: one in the final act of the work of the six days, which does not, however, mention the scene of the insufflation, and again as First act of all subsequent creation, only now expressly emphasizing creation through the breath and with the characteristic distinction between the modeling of clay in the first step and the blow in the second. “(Sloterdijk, 2016, p. 32)

And after citing again the biblical text of genesis: “… breathed into his nostrils a breath of life and man became a living” (page 33) gives his Adamic vision: “Adam would remain a curious clay artifact; It would be no more than an arbitrary installation on the unprotected land “(idem).

After long passages with curious biblical interpretations, such as the one that speaks on page 50 of vocation, with an inspiration, a term that is equally important in the text, which states that: “animated or sorrowed by memories and regressions misgteriosas, they keep under their care Submerged images of a protohistorical inspirational community, that of the double soul on the sixth day of Creation. ”

He inaugurates a new part of the introduction that will define his “spherology”: “every history is the history of animated relations”.

One of the most inspiring images of this excerpt is the life-size clay figures in the tomb of China’s first emperor Quin (259-210 BC), but I took another Picture.