Arquivo para January 2nd, 2017

The inflated community

02 Jan

The book in the Brazilian translation of Sphere I – Bubbles, here in 2016, in Germanybolhasmenino in 1998 (Spheren I: Blasen), talks about the Introduction of inspiration for bubbles, but the whole title is: THE ALLIES or the Inspired Community (the capital letter is Of the author), but I reversed the analysis to follow as the author writes.

The title has several spherical inspirations, but the most important is the G.H. Every, from 1887, Bubles, an oil painting of Sir John Everett Millais (1829-1896), where the author speaks of the oval balloon made by his “insufflator” and in the time that of life of a bubble, accompanies the life that Let it escape until it burst “at the same time a sigh and an exclamation of jubilation”.

The bubble, the object created, and its “insufflator, there is a solidarity that excludes the rest of the world” (Sloterdijk, 2016, p.20), and “exist together in a field strained by attentive sympathy.”

But gradually he outlines the purpose of this metaphor, “the child who follows his soap bubbles in the open space is not a Cartesian subject clinging to his or her locus of thought without extension, to observe an extensive thing in its trajectory in space” (ibidem) , In a clear reference to the Cartesian dichotomy between the thing and the extensive thing (res extensa).

Thus raises his first questions: “and what happens to who is not the breath of anyone? Every life that emerges is individualized, is it as such contained in a sympathetic breath? “(Sloterdijk, 2016, 21), the author goes to Schopenhauer’s question:” is it legitimate to think that everything that exists and is thematized would be wrapped in the care of somebody? ” (Idem).

The question you are asking is a reference to Heidegger: what do we mean when we say we are in the world? But it actualizes and reformulates it using the question of necessity: “In fact, necessity is known (Schopenhauer called it the metaphysical necessity) that everything that belongs to the world or to the being as a whole is contained in a breath, as In an indelible sense. Can this need be fulfilled? Can it be justified? “(Sloterdijk, 2016, 21).

Before arriving at the central point of its outline, modernity will ask the question which is a direct reference to Ludwig Wittegestein’s Logical-Philosophical Treaty: “Who first conceived the idea that the world would be absolutely nothing more than the soap bubble Of a breath that encompasses everything? What exterior would belong, then, all that is the case? “(Idem).

The question of modernity and its allies is outlined, which is why I left it for later.

SLOTERDIJK, Peter – Esferas I: Bolhas, Ed. Estação Liberdade, 2016. (Brazilian edition).