Arquivo para August 17th, 2017

What the tragedy of Oedipus the King teaches

17 Aug

There is in this tragedy a clear conflict between free will and fate, and it questionsEdipusKing the extent to which we own our destiny, if we consider that there is a force beyond our simple human will, we will live in a humbler way and accept the fate of our lives.
The tragedy tells the story of Oedipus, son of Laius and Jocasta, was the king of Thebes, the city that had been plagued by a plague. In consulting the oracle at Delphi, Oedipus discovered something tragic about his life: the gods cursed him. He was destined to marry his mother, with whom he had two sons and two daughters, and to kill his father, the king who ruled the city before Oedipus.
His father Laius knew of the curse and when I had his son abandoned tied to a tree between Thebes and Corinth and being found by a shepherd was created by him, adult Oedipus decides to return to Thebes and kills his father in Corinth marries his mother Jocasta, not knowing who she was, and later on learning that it was her mother she kills herself and Oedipus pierces her own eyes.
Wandering around the city is the Sphinx, mythological being half woman and half lion that terrorized Thebes with its enigmas, the Sphinx proposes the anima: “Which animal is that in the morning has four feet, two at noon and three in the afternoon?”
Oedipus responds that this figure is man, because the man in childhood crawls, in adulthood walks erect with both feet, and in old age needs the cane (the third foot) to lean, but deep down the Sphinx proposes the enigma about who is the man and what is his life.
The story steeped in symbolism, even influenced psychoanalysis that calls the dramas of childhood “Oedipus complex,” marriage with the mother also means the relationship we even put into adulthood with the female figure still today in a macho society.
Also Oedipus’s relationship with the wise Tiresias is particularly interesting, he had no physical vision, but he had wisdom, while Oedipus who had physical vision lacks an inner vision, when this vision begins when he ventures with Jocasta: “With this narrative Brings me doubt to the spirit, woman. How it disturbs my soul, “but the queen is also ambiguous in saying that she delivered the baby to a shepherd of her confidence, which showed her disbelief with the oracles, taking an authoritative stance.
It is not by chance that Aristotle considered the work Oedipus King as a symbol of Greek tragedy