Arquivo para August 18th, 2017

The question of woman and a puzzle

18 Aug

The feminine question about violence and the role of women in society is as old asTheotokus the history of humanity, the Greek tragedy Oedipus King is iconic to the point of influencing the studies of modern psychoanalysis.
But there is an enigma hidden in the Christian writings, when one reads in the biblical passage of Luke about Mary’s visit to Elizabeth, who asks her, “How can I deserve the mother of my Lord to come to me?” (Luke 1: 43), hour the cousin Elizabeth did not yet know that Mary was pregnant, and in asking the question refers to her as “Mother of my Lord.”
What’s the riddle? Is very simple, if God is creator, how can creature create the Creator, could in a simplistic interpretation say, sometimes he is mother of Jesus and Jesus was only man, but being God, if we admit it, then we have a riddle, and another Even greater than the Trinity is one, and still the reading says that Elizabeth in saying it was “filled with the Holy Spirit.”
Mother of God, in Greek Teo-tokos, in Portuguese Teotoco, were studied by Origen (254), Athanasius (33) and John Chrysostom (440), in 431 the Council of Trent decreed this doctrine, and therefore is the origin of “All Christianity” and not only in part of it.
Well, as for non-Christians, let us return to the tragedy of Oedipus King, we did not say, but the question of masculine and feminine power remains in between, the question of machismo is there after all Jocasta is the villain, and both Husband and son Oedipus, somehow blame her. Jocasta as responsible for the tragedy, even though she tried to dissuade her husband from killing his son, and the son to kill himself.
Even the Sphinx, which is a mixture of winged woman and lioness, terrified Thebes, will inquire Oedipus “what is the being that diplo, tripous and tetrapous? , And who in the background inquires about human life, crawls as a child, walks on two feet in youth and needs a cane in old age.
Accepting the figure of Mary Teotocos, is also accepted gender equality, the end of a power structure that hit the family for millennia, the end of machismo, is a cultural, spiritual and some mystical step to a new