Arquivo para November 10th, 2017

Truth and Worship

10 Nov

The parable of the prudent virgins speaks of the attention that we must AVerdadeMétodohave the truth and we must watch over it, and the zeal is the eternal vigilance, in the case of hermeneutics is not distance from the reformulation and interpretation of our preconceptions, which does not mean abandoning the principles.
The kingdom of heaven is like the story of the ten young women who took their oil lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were unseemly, and the other five were foreknowledge of the Kingdom of God, also it is Kingdom of Truth.

Heaven is like the story of the ten young women who took their oil lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom, five of whom were unprepared, and the other five were thoughtful and they did not know when the bridegroom was about to arrive, so when he comes, they want to borrow from the wise.
The Hermeneutic Circle is a good tip for prudence, dialogue (in the circle the Text) for understanding part of a pre-figuration (or preconceptions), must by a positive distance (if you do not listen and open- if it is negative) to suspend judgments and the explanation of the Other (the speaker or author of the Text) to promote new insights and new possibilities of relationship, and then the appropriation of text and discourse in a new configuration.
The possibility of a great transformation in the relationship between the Same and the Other promotes a new transformation leading to a new understanding.
Wisdom is not the fruit of an inflated ego, bubbles of “wisdom” or pills of wisdom, is the fruit of real human relations and only lead to LIFE, GOOD CULTURE and GOOD POLITICS, in short the new society.