Arquivo para November 15th, 2017

Empowerment and the State

15 Nov

Today is the day of the Republic in Brazil, what perspectives can we have acivil societyin terms of a modern state?

One of the rare authors to deal with the empowerment of society is David John Framer who thinks of the distribution of government power in favor of citizenship, it is not a concession of the ruler or a blessing that is given to society, it is the force to recognize the incapacity from the state to society to promote solutions in environments of high complexity, which is characteristic of modern society.

The opening to the democratization of the administrative functions is not an absolute novelty of the Brazilian law, the most notorious experience of gave from the Constitution of 88 with Councils in several administrative systems related to the development of social services, but I draw the attention to the Constitution of Iceland made by crowdsourcing and promoted a cleanup in the country, in the fall of 2008.

In order to identify the theoretical matrix that these governance initiatives have begun to emerge, it is fundamental to rectify the vices identified in the almost 30 years of this constitution, either by the blockages that have been made within these new models, such as “block the agenda” and prevent advances when the particular party is in power, or by incomprehension of the society of the proposed model.

These are initiatives that must start from society, not only the participation consent or a certain ideological nuance, but the whole of society must feel the governance, the deference to what is the understanding of democracy, which Bobbio (2000) , 386) in what he calls “power in public,” society must be the promoter of a collective mode of decision, which could be called an opening within the democratic openness or democratic maturation of Brazilian society.

It is not a minimal state, with less power, incapable of changing administrative and judicial processes that take society to a more fair and transparent point

FRAMER, D. J. The languagem of public administration, Bureaucracy, modernity and posmodernity. USA: The Universidade of Alabama Press, 1995.
BOBBIO, Norberto. Teoria geral da poli­tica. A filosofia poli­tica e as lições dos clássicos. Trad. Daniela Beccaccia Versiana, 9ª. Imp. RJ: Elsevier, 2000.