Arquivo para December 7th, 2017

Thought, desert and Being

07 Dec

One of the foundations of understanding contemporary thinking about theaoDesertoPensamento Being is to make a reading where interpretation is open, that is, to make an “epoché”, an emptiness to erase our filters of preconceptions that we establish about any reading, only then we penetrate this novelty: our “Being” and Being-there, the “dasein” of Heidegger.
In his text “Heidegger’s Urgency: Introduction to a New Thought” (Três estrelas editors, 2013), he suggests that in addition to being a master of thought, he teaches us to “think at our own risk, personal and non-transferable in the plane of our thoughts and opinions. “(GIACOIA, 2013, p.109)
The emptying of thought is one of the fundamental aspects of emptying our being, so the desert and the exercise of looking at our essence (of course without ever losing our relationship with the world and with others) is nothing more than openness to our being. an “advent,” things to come if we are open and attentive, beyond pre-conceptions.
Far from these preconceptions, ours awakens as Heidegger points out to the “unveiling”, there is a veil over our thoughts and our “visions” of the world, of the person, but mainly about the thought itself that is conditioned to a way of being circumscribed in philosophy, and that even if we do not know how to shape our “thinking”.
Heidegger himself lived a period of isolation in the black forest, but one does not have to be a philosopher to think, one has only to listen and to dialogue (even).
What many call reality, concrete or another name of impact, is nothing but the subjectivity of idealism, that which distances itself from subjectivity: beauty, poetry, contemplation and, above all, the set of subjectivities that make up our Being, without they are in fragmented feelings, and it is they that confront us with the Other.
The veil that conditions us to a particular view of the world, of society and of the Other, is the veil of idealism and ideologies, and the desire to condition and mold the other to our thinking is precisely because we consider that what is there is the normal, correct, but he is deeply penetrated by ideology and idealism.
Only a strong desert exercise, and open thinking to “unveil” can achieve a new advent, what is to come is not the same as always, is new and can change everything.
GIACOIA Jr., O. Heidegger urgente: uma introdução a um novo pensar (Heidegger’s urgency: introduction to a new thinking). São Paulo: Três estrelas, 2013