Arquivo para December 20th, 2017

Does the essence of Christmas exist?

20 Dec

In essence Christmas exists, because a fact before anything else happened, aF1largea special child was born in Bethlehem, it is recorded in history because the Roman emperor Cesar Augustus at the time decided to make a recess, so this was born and recorded.

This spirit is reserved for more religious people, and even among these some do not like Christmas, of course Santa Claus is just the allusion to a famous brand of drink, this is not what we are talking about, but the desire for solidarity, love between men, does it exist?

A scientific study, published in the British Medical Journal, surveyed twenty people living in an area of ​​Copenhagen, Denmark, who were divided into two groups: ten who traditionally celebrate Christmas and others who do not celebrate.
Each of them was observed in this period, in allusion to the symbols that are in the previous post, but not only these, were placed 84 images for 2 seconds each: after 6 consecutive thematic shots on the Christmas were placed 6 of the daily life (streets, foods , etc.).
Researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (parts of the brain where emotions are set), seeing changes in blood oxygenation and flow that occur in the brain in response to the neuronal activities in each group.

Maps were then produced showing which areas of the brain are most involved during a particular mental process, and the result was very interesting.

The answers to the questionnaire, made about their traditions of Christmas, the feelings of Christmas and their ethnicity. This analysis identified five areas that had a greater activation in the Christmas party in the face of thematic images.

The article explains that “this is the primary motor and pre-motor cortex, the right lower lobe and upper parietal and bilaterare primary somatosensory left cortex,” the research states.

These are the areas associated among other things like spirituality and romanticism, more than this then it can be said that there are ‘areas of the brain of Christmas’, in fact, Christmas exists.

The survey was conducted Christmas 2015, by the British Medical Journal.