Arquivo para July 24th, 2018

Mixed Reality and Artificial Intelligence

24 Jul

Among the emerging technological innovations in the year 2018 is Mixed Reality (MR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella already pointed to one of the future solutions, HoloLens, a RM + IA solution that helps users do things that were previously impossible.

Virtual Reality are environments that shut out the real world, Augmented Reality are digital content apn top of the real world and mixed reality digital content interacts with the real world.

The ability to merge the physical and digital worlds (the analogical concept applies to devices, but not to the real world), makes mixed reality allow to build experiences of people, places, and things regardless of their physical location and can interact digitally, I call this a multi-presence.

The companies promise, among them Microsoft, to incorporate HoloLens with more AI by building a Holographic Processing Unit or HPU. The mixed reality is avenging, in addition to the software available next to Windows 10, because experiences in the experiences of RA and RV, you can have the best of both worlds, RV is charming, but has a hypnotic effect, RA lacks realism.

Future experiences should incorporate sharing in the RM environment, a disruptive application of social media, with experiences that break down the walls of isolation and who knows, give a more educational dimension to the games.

The mixed reality can connect people in a meaningful, convincing and content-filled way, the multi-party will unite us, wait for a new application.