Arquivo para November 14th, 2018

The Monotization of the World

14 Nov

So begins the text of Stefan Zweig on his impression of the contemporary world: “Everything is becoming more uniform in its outward manifestations, all flush with a uniform cultural scheme. The characteristic habits of the individual people are being worn, the native clothing giving way to the uniforms, the customs becoming international.
Countries seem increasingly to have slid simultaneously to each other; the activity and vitality of people follows a unique scheme; cities grow more and more alike in appearance. “(Zweig, 1925)
With this quotation I also begin the presentation booklet with Dr. Jônatas Manzolli, Professor of Arts at Unicamp, in our joint work: “Transmediatic architecture of the Ode To Christus Hypercubus”, which is presented on fryday at the Palácio de Ceia in Lisbon, with the pianist Dra. Helena Marinho and the soloist Beatriz Maia, both from the University of Aveiro.
This small report intends to present, besides the ode, Photographic work and animation that relate music, images and a hologram in 3D dimensions with an imaginary space hypercube that extrapolates this dimension, inspired by the work of Salvador Dali: Christus Hypercubus.
It is for that reason inspired in the Mystical Manifesto of Salvador Dali of 1950 is a decisive phase and that changes the very conception of Salvador Dali, it can be said for a post-surrealism, in which the mystical influence united the new quantum conception of the emergent Universe (1952) (photo), the Disintegration of Persistence of Memory (1954), The Last Supper (1955), and the Discovery of America (1958-59) are works of this phase.
The Artefacto 2018 event takes place in Lisbon at the Ceia Palace, on November 16 and 17, with several other works that can be found on the event’s website.

ZWEIG, Stefan (1925) “The Monotonization of the World”   Disp. em: .