Arquivo para December 15th, 2020

Sloterdijk spheres

15 Dec

Volumes I, II and III of the Spheres of Peter Sloterdijk are digressions on the human spheres that include thought, culture and religion (although he says no to consider he wrote Post-God and makes several allusions to religious issues, such as “matris in grêmio ”and “eucharistic excess ”).

What Spheres in fact is for the author of anthropotechnical studies, can be read as: “life is a matter of form, this is the thesis that we associate with the venerable expression” sphere “, of philosophers and geometers.” (Sloterdijk, p. 14)

However, these “spheres” go beyond form, it is a metaphysical form, which in its representation serves as the moonlight for the protection of humanity, which is placed in bubbles of stones, weapons, poetry and ideas, but it lacks immunity, written before pandemic, launched co-immunity.

His spherology intends to answer, in addition to Heidegger’s dasein, being-there-in-the-world, as what we mean when we say we are in the world from the reception in the mother’s arms after the expulsion from the uterus, until the construction of civilization after the expulsion of Eden, of course is a metaphor.

With the death (or night of God for religious), the great protective sphere of humanist civilization lost its local character and extended to the infinite, the protective relationships of the intimate were dissolved in formal gray relationships, so now it is what happens in this absolute exteriority?

It is necessary to speculate then on how to survive and protect oneself, an animal in need that no longer has a habitat to venture into the eccentricity of ex-sistens (being out), it is also the question of address, inhabiting a community of care, this is the co -immunity.

Even before the pandemic, Sloterdijk’s reasoning revealed what it is to care and co-exist, without these concepts the pandemic will pass and we will return to frivolity, as the thinker says.

Sloterdijk, P. (2016) Esferas I, trad. José Oscar de Almeida Marques, BR-São Paulo: Estação Memória editors.