Arquivo para December 27th, 2023

Original sin for Chardin

27 Dec

It was not the fact that Chardin reconciles the creationist view of the origin of the universe with the evolutionary view of the Big Bang, although also controversial, it was the original sin that gave rise to a view of distrust regarding Teilhard Chardin’s view of the noosphere.

In an article published on 06/05/2018 by Edward W. Schmidt, S.J., in America magazine, he wrote: “The discovery and publication of Teilhard’s work filled a gap with valuable documentation in the history of the scholar”, and spoke of the question of original sin.

His work caught the attention of the Jesuit Curia and the Holy Office (predecessor of the current Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) and there he had to sign six declarations on points of his thought that the Holy Office understood as conflicting with the traditional teaching of the Church, since From the Council of Trent to the First Vatican Council, the declaration that Chardin signed said that “the entire human race has its origins from a proto-parent, Adam”, with difficulty he signed, but with the addendum “with faith alone”.

The Six Propositions were lost until 2007, when they were discovered by Jesuits in Rome who had access with authorization from Pope Benedict XVI. They also found a letter from Teilhard to the Superior General of the time, Wlodimir Ledochowski, in which the French Jesuit explained what he defended. on original sin, in Portuguese: “Note on some possible historical concepts of original sin”.

When the “monitum” (a kind of correction) was revoked in 2017, the Italian historian Alberto Melloni, professor at the University of Modena-Reggio Emilia and director of the John XXIII Foundation for Religious Sciences in Bologna wrote: “Today the Pontifical Council for Culture asks that the monitum on Chardin be revoked: a fair and easy request. On the contrary, it was less easy to revoke a mentality that deluded itself into exorcising with condemnations the risk of connecting and disconnecting faith and cultures, offering the gift of hope.”

Without going into the merits of Chardin’s propositions, there is a reference by Pope Benedict XVI, on the occasion of the feast of the Holy Trinity, to Chardin’s concepts: “In everything that exists, the “name” is printed, in a certain sense. of the Holy Trinity, since all being, down to the last particles, is being in relationship and in this way, Creative Love ultimately transpires” and further on it says that “the human being has in his own “genome”; a profound seal of the Trinity, of God-Love”.