Vem ai um filme sobre Disney

12 fev

Já com polêmicas a vista, o filme Saving Mr. Banks (Walt nos bastidores de Mary Poppins), que tem o ator Tom Hanks na pele de Walt Disney, que aparecerá em breve no Brasil.


The first controversy is due to a grandniece of Walt Disney, Abigail Disney, who said he did not regret saving the critical Meryl Streep against her uncle, about the movie Mary Poppins, which she decided to call it “racist” and “misogynist” during an award ceremony in New York, on her facebook page, that the character portrayed by Tom Hanks, is quite different from the creator of Disney, and tried to “make him a saint”, she wrote.

The story of the movie Mary Poppins, which was released by Walt Disney Studios in 1964 and had Julie Andrews starring, is now told by a script that shows how the rights, over the work, were acquired by Disney.

The movie Saving Mr. Banks, has the plot, as a cartoonist who spent 14 years trying to convince the Australian author Pamela Lyndon Travers (Emma Thompson) to sell the rights of the work of Mary Poppins to turn them in to a feature-length film.

In the movie, Disney gets to know, very well, the background history of the writer and the relationship with her father, Mr. Banks, a serious and cold banker who sees his family being caught up in the joy of the magical nanny.



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