Cyber-Earth: citizenship for nature

07 Nov

Cyber-Earth is a term used in the CCC blog (Comunity Computing Consortium) in a post Sheckar Shashi, a georeferencedHUBzero representation based on the planet Web intended to serve as a communication tool for citizens, politicians and researchers, particularly on the nature, designed to preview the future of the planet and its sustainability.

Joint work with tools and Cyber-Earth expects to envision the future of the planet, enabling the discovery of spatio-temporal patterns, on which to make inferences based on meaningful standards, showing future threats to society and analyze the options and consequences worldwide .
Cyber-Earth could help citizens and policy-making mechanisms capable of making scientific predictions in the areas of climate and demographics, along with its effects on environments such aspects as: food, water and energy.

Building the next generation of Cyber-Land offers several important challenges such as the development of building blocks and software methodologies to compare alternative scientific models amid a large variety of physical sciences, social sciences, and information sciences.

The organization won a grant of $ 4.5 million in funding in the area called Geospatial Building Blocks (Gabbs) with two environments, the system called HUBzero, a platform for open source and GEOSHARE project that creates a tool for modeling the effect of climate change on historical and future crop yields.


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