The film about Alain Turing

15 Jan

TheImitationGameThe film “The Imitation Game” announced, including probably competing for the Oscar (the list comes out today), is about the life of Alan Turing, considered a” father of computing “and who committed suicide at age 42, after being sentenced to castration chemistry, for being gay.
Turing is played by British actor Benedict Cumberbatch and work are focused on their work, important to the Allied victory in the conflict, it unveiled the Enigma machine that was codification of German messages as well as their contribution to the history of computing.
But the film also shows the problems faced by scientist for being gay.
His conviction was in 1952 and his suicide in 1954, under the penalty for “indecency” and the drugs made him impotent and caused him to develop breasts, which may have contributed to his death.
It was only in 2013 that he received a posthumous pardon of Queen Elizabeth II, after a long campaign to clear his honor, because in 2009 there was a petition that has made the Prime Minister Gordon Brown to publish a public apology for the terrible persecution.
The work was adapted from the book’s biography “Alan Turing: The Enigma” (Enigma was the Nazi machine that Turing deciphered), written by Andrew Hodges.

The premiere in Brazil is scheduled for February 5 and the list of 10 films nominated for an Oscar out today.


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