Net of modernity awareness

03 Feb

MaosLiquidasBoaventura de Souza Santos lends the concept of “objective world” to explain how different actors act in modern society, or postmodern as a continuation of this, explaining the two pillars of rationality that makes up the socio-cultural project: an emancipation and other regulation.
Bauman is a figure that oscillates between these two pillars for it delights both the alleged religious “liberators” as statist “enlightened” state regulation of defenders, that the alleged role of the “welfare state” or in social project, which basically are the same thing, give crumbs less affluent layers to prevent momentum of a deeper shift towards a more egalitarian society.
Habermas was created this concept of the objective world as saying “the world only charges objectivity by virtue of being recognized and regarded as one and the same world by a community of subjects capable of language and action” (Habermas, 1987, p. 30).
Ulrick Beck and Anthony Giddes go to the other extreme, where subjectivist Beck uses the reflexive modernity expression, since they believe that the reflexive modernization could answer certain gaps of modernity discontinuities generated from modern life.
The late modernity indicates a change in the way of experiencing the relationship, so there is an identity with reason as an ordering element that produces confidence and minimizes the rich, so the individual should confront their exaggerations (consumption, eroticism and others) and assume, thus as a reflection object able to make a rational criticism of the system itself, becoming a theme and a problem for you.
The only possibility of ontological security, is to have the ability to “re” -inventar traditions and get away from the genuine traditions of modernity, that is, those values radically linked to the pre-modern past, there is the cause discontinuity of modernity, the separation between what is really new and what remains a good heritage of the old.
Martha Nussbaum, Peter Sloterdijck and others identify this discontinuity at the origin of Kantian thought and not in modern liquefaction, this is nothing but nostalgia Enlightenment (the regulatory tradition of state) or illusionist emancipation (alms to the poor)>
Modernity is liquid from its origin, because dividing society into two pieces and thought between objectivity and subjectivity, where the ontological Being is not possible.


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