And who is corruption ?

06 Feb

RelogiosCarosThe term corruption in this country, it has become an abstract word, everyone defends the “morality”, but at the time of arrest relate to oranges and intermediaries.

Still others insist on the innocence of crimes already declared and who made it big hole in the public purse, but there are people still defending common criminals, who had no name would already be punished with certainty.

Yesterday the PF agents met 18 coercive conduct warrants when the person is taken to give testimony and released, including the PT treasurer John Vaccari Neto, plus 40 search and seizure in São Paulo, Rio, Bahia and in Santa Catarina.

A collection of watches expensive in number 500, see above photo released by the Federal Police, and the society shocked watching these scenes, while another pretends that are already taking corrective measures.

If a good person loses his mind and commits a violent action, do not advocate this, are wondering why, it is because the omission and impunity will paralyze society.

Perhaps the country needs an operation “clean hands” like Italy, only here the Mafia controls the power, distributes favors and will dodging attempts by the Brazilian Public Ministry and the Federal Police to curb their actions.


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