The common man, political and social networks

09 Apr

It was Plato and Aristotle who thought after the Greek policy for the second pure and simple life of a living HomoSacerbeing was a zoé (who lives mere biological existence, a bare life), but the man effectively own language he will a social life, it is only zoé the zoon politikon (political animal), and this will build gradually the proposal of democracy, citizen participation (the inhabitant of the Greek city-state) in an active way in the active life in society.

The homo sacer was used by Hanna Arendt, Foucault, Agamben, Bauman and recently by Slavov Sizek, which explains the term using an image of the period of the war in Afghanistan, where after a plane bombed a territory, another plane passes distributing food.

Giorgio Agamben in his Naked City, says that biopolitics theory of Foucault converges with that desenvida in Hannah Arendt in “The Human Condition”, which sees that in modernity, homo laborens comes to occupy a place in social relations so that occupy the apex of power relations, leaving it with the public space, so both develop a convergent view on political relations in modernity.

In Brazil it is the figure of the “cordial man”, the vision of a concerned politician with the conditions of low-income populations, but stressing the idea that this people will never have enough culture to become independent and can break the existential domain who has parental welfare.

Social networks are a new way of overcoming this political anonymity, albeit in a diffuse way, even a bit aggressive, is the only space where strangers can express their feelings, show your identity and leave the naked city.


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