Worldview: Weltanschauung

14 Oct

Worldview (Weltanschauung  translation in German), was the origin, visaodemundothe West thought in German philosophy, but the concept was consecrated by Heidegger and somehow the thought of Edgar Morin, if translated worldview in cosmovision.


Most people not only had the word, as they had to a symbol to represent it as chakana of the Incas, Cilappatikaram (or Silappadhikaram) people south Indian, the Epic of Gilgamesh of Mesopotamian-Sumerian civilization and the majority population the Fertile Crescent.

According Apostel, we think this view of the world from an ontology with the following six elements that can describe it: a world of explanation, futurology, which answers to “where we are going,” a praxeology or methodology that means “as we must achieve the goals, “an epistemology or theory of knowledge:” what is true and false in this vision, a cause, that is, which are its constituent elements”.

Lack in our view a noosphere, epistemology and praxeology establish a sense of “belief” that is bounding this worldview, however large, will have a limitation.

This need is by Edgar Morin in science with consciousness (1998), where he states that the scientific activity must be accompanied by an ability to question, checking questions of the spirit, or noology “able to conceive how and where cultural conditions the ideas are grouped, are linked, fit, form system that self regulate if
Morin, in his book Science with Consciousness (1998), elaborates his concern with the means of scientific reflexivity, that is, the possibility of scientific activity be accompanied by a self propagation capacity.

For him, it would be necessary to have a science of things of the spirit, or noologia, “able to conceive how and where cultural conditions ideas are grouped, are linked, fit, are systems that self regulate, define themselves, if self-replicating, if self propagate “(MORIN, 1998, p. 25-26).

Thus the seventh dimension would include a noologia, if viewed in conjunction with the six world view points become a noosphere, like that of Teilhard Chardin, who sees in the Christian worldview, but which may well be accepted within a noologia Overall, as proposed by the Brazilian philosopher Mario Ferreira dos Santos.



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