Expert systems, trust and faith

10 Aug

The whole theory of Giddens, reviewed in some aspects in the previous posts, isalmoco_1932 conditioned to the structuring and what he calls expert systems, but these in turn are based on what he calls trust also already explained in the posts, highlighting the question of faith .
Expert systems, as seen by Giddens, are the most important undocking mechanism, described as “systems of technical excellence or professional competence that organize large areas of the material and social environments in which we live today.” Although most lay people consult, only periodically, professionals but all of them under great suspicion, for this reason so many new theories and so many “alternative systems”.
Although the author admits that faith: “Trust is inevitably partly an article of faith” (Giddens, 1991, page 39), but adds: “There is a pragmatic element in faith, based on the experience that these systems [experts] usually work as they are expected to do “(idem).
Finally, he admits that although faith and trust “are closely linked” makes a distinction between the two, and the distinction Luhmann makes in his work on Trust and Power (Chichester: Wiley, 1979) is based. very vague.
It is important to say that this faith is not the exclusive property of Western cosmo-gonies (not cosmologies), in fact all religions, even non-Western religions, will have some form of faith, which it is necessary to distinguish from belief as belief in one God (monotheistic religions) or in many (Polytheists), where not only humans but also animals, plants, rocks, natural characteristics have “soul” without differentiating them from the physical world.
Faith is an adherence to some hypothesis that the person accepts without any rational proof and this is in the etymological origin of the Latin fide, reason here does not have the modern meaning, but the one of reasoning done in the mind, so it would not be blind, but only Before any reasoning, a modern epoché, that is, it has a form of reason that is to accept things beyond our preconceptions.
It means ultimately a step forward not in the dark, but in the mystery and even more importane than this is to find it forward, it means to move beyond the boundary of the “system.”
Most people take this step by meeting (apparently) an abyss, an emptiness, but they could do it consciously (so it is not totally blind) if you believed in what lies ahead, like you do and have faith that everything the RCA Rockefeller Center, taken on Sept. 20, 1932 and published in the New Herald Tribune on October 2 of that year, is like the classic photo of workers on a suspended beam in what would be today.


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