Dualism and Life

29 Sep

The high rationally constructed concept of the idea, often well-constructed, AoDual is not as practical, nor as empirical as it seems, it is grounded in the classic division between subject and object, most popularly said, between the personal concept and its application in life which is outside of itself and its closed circle.

It is not the absence of conflict, or even a radical monism that unifies everything, that which is human can somehow separate itself from what is “natural” by the simple fact that what is natural is not what would originate from human nature or a certain culture, but its adaptation to the world that lives the culture of a certain time.

However, the conflict that can be found with dialogue and within hermeneutics, which presupposes distinct interpretations, finds a melting point, as described by the method of the hermeneutic circle in Gadamer, in his book “Truth and Method.”

The dualism of idealism must always be changing its practice and its interpretation, so it is little adherent to hermeneutics, or the unique interpretation of reality, although in its own interior both theory and practice is divided, so it seeks the non-existent connection , because idealism is only bad theory, because if applied it is a disaster.

What leads one who seeks dialogue and the “fusion of horizons” of hermeneutics, to say a yes is precisely that believes that it is possible to overcome dualism, because it is not and is not in its interior, contrary to the dual that says yes, when in practice it will be a no.

There is a beautiful biblical parable that explains well the distance between these two sources of answers: “What do you think? A man had two kids. Addressing the first, he said, ‘Son, go to work in the vineyard today!’ The son replied, ‘I do not want to.’ But then he changed his mind and went, “to show the pharisaical contradiction Jesus asks,” Who did the will of the father? “(Mt 21: 28-31), of course, is the first.

It’s like the popular Brazilian songbook, “man who says I will, will not, because who does not say,” or even say yes, but with life, the concept of E. Husserl “lebenswelt”.


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