The woman dressed in sunshine

12 Oct

A woman clothed with the sun is one of the first tragedies in the Northeast,aMulherVestidaDeSol written by Ariano Suassuna in the 47s, and later also wrote the Auto da Compadecida (1955), both of which are allusions to both the biblical woman mother of Jesus and also the woman which is described in the Apocalypse.
According to Suassuna, Uma Mulher Decida do Sol (Picture A Woman Dressed in the Sun in the promotional image of the 1994 film), her intention was to recreate the popular Northeastern romance novel.
With remarkable skill he was able to connect the existing Brazilian serf and the lands of Spain, a dialogue between the erudite and the popular, between the Iberian novel and the Northeastern.
As he affirmed the author treated dramatically, uniting his poetry, daughter of the northeastern novelist the tradition of the Iberian. I tried to keep in my play what.
There is in his work I think something eternal, universal, poetic in our rich songbook where you can also find masterpieces of epic poetry, in the phase called grazing.
The brazilian Northeastern tragedy kept a sign of the pains “pitied” with our typical comic.
One of her scholars, Hermilo Borba Filho, with whom Suassuna founded the Brazilian Popular Theater of the Northeast in 1959, states that the Puritan character of the first version, when Suassuna was still a Protestant, was diluted and the play gained an atmosphere of love and comparable violence to the elements of the Iberian novel, where: blood, honor, family, incest, are placed in the exact dramatic measures.
It follows the classic tradition when playing, within the tragic atmosphere, but it joins a type of comedy typical of the Brazilian northeast, for example, where the Bachelor Orlando de Almeida Sapo and the Delegate of Police, border the ridiculous and the grotesque, while there are other characters with “nobler” characteristics.
The Auto da Compadecida, refers to Senhora Aparecida, whose appearance of the image is celebrated 300 years, for those who do not believe it should be remembered that it is in popular culture with deep roots, and that is part of the Brazilian as Macunaíma, Quincas Watercress or Dom Casmurro.
We find in the Bible the passage of the woman clothed in the Sun: “There was a great sign in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head; pregnant, cries out in labor pains, suffering torments to give birth. ” (Rev, 12, 1-2).


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