Ethics, State and Values

20 Oct

The concept of ethics and state of previous posts was to warn that theACivilRights breakdown of values, contrary to what many authors say, is not a disconnection with reality or even a lack of state presence in modern society, but a inaccurate understanding of the complexity of the modern world and its values.
The Hegelian Eticity, defined as “… the idea of freedom while living well, which in the consciousness of Si has its will and its knowledge” (Hegel, 1997)
Paul Ricoeur (2008) presented justice both as a moral rule and as an institution, as it is in the modern state, but has established a clear distinction between the two: the latter calls the dialogical Si (since it is mediated by an Institution, in the case, the State), and quotes an adage in Latin: “suum cuique tribure – to each one what is his”, but also sees a hierarchical logic where there are predicates qualifying human morality.
The trap set by the Pharisees set up for Jesus to speak against the Roman “law,” when asked if it was right to pay tax fell to the ground, for Jesus had made clear these two distinctions of Justice and said “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and the God what is of God” (Mt 22,21).
In times of systemically corrupt states it is necessary to differentiate horizontal moral law and respect for the Other into distinct planes, and we must keep this plane of respect to the Other stronger, where there is clearly a greater moral law: do not do to the other what you do not like which was made for you, the rule of thumb, in many religions and cultures.
Preserving basic values this fundamental, otherwise we are on the plane of “ethics”.
HEGEL, G.W.F. Encyclopaedia in Philosophical Sciences in Epitome. Trad. A. Mourão, Lisboa: Edições 70, 1997 (portuguese edition).
RICOEUR, P. O Justo 1: Justice as a moral rule and as an institution. Trad. Ivone C. Benedetti. São Paulo: WMF Martins, 2008 (brazilian edition).


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