The pure in heart

03 Oct

Among the evils that circulate are not the networks, but also the gossip and AGanitonathe evils of the contemporary world is the distrust, it would not be exaggeration to say that it is the “Society of Mistrust.”
If someone is not a certain group should be isolated, perhaps have some problem other forms of collective bullying that help to isolate the person and make him feel bad, many times about the mantle of sweet words.
There are many young people and old people who feel bad in their own environment, there is a lack of love camouflaged in apparent good intentions, we must not proselytize and accept the Other as he is, much has been said in philosophy and society about this in concepts such as: relationships, empathy, listening and dialogue, but the result is small.
All those who act against the negative current feel in their hearts a new peace, even in the midst of so many difficulties, feel a new impulse to move forward in the midst of a world full of suspicion.
It is as the beatitudes say in the famous sermon on the mountain, where two special ones to this day Mt (5: 8-9):
“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. ”
Promote peace and say words of encouragement to everyone around you and reap tasty fruits.


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