The state in eternal return

02 Oct

We have already pointed out in several posts the premises and their misconceptions of the idealist view of the state, now in check due to the emergence of authoritarian governments, corruption and almost intermittent cycle crises in many countries.
Let us begin with Hobbes, for whom philosophy had a practical foundation (it is what some say today, astonished), that is to say, it must be useful and thus discard any and all view that may have aspects of metaphysics, and together with it spiritual or theological .
The Hobbesian view is no different from Machiavelli (also invoked today), in the sense of favoring the idea of sovereign, although the centralizing state of this period had the monarchs’ tutelage, essentially does not differ from certain “emperors” today, since the way of dressing (the emperor is naked) to the posture, of a Putin, for example.
The idea of coercive restraint of the state for the “eternal peace” peace-vision of modernity is nothing more than that which Mostesquieu called the “Spirit of the Laws” that is, peace will be eternal with a strong and coercive state; who shout in the streets today (some).
The “paleolithic” passage of this peace that led to two wars for the “neolithic” state of the welfare state should not be new, but it is, because it has not completed its cycle, the sad reality is that it can not even complete because concentration of income only increases.
The sad thing is that the solution is just around the corner, a good political will and a clearer idea that a bloody revolution is not necessary, but to isolate from the state those harmful elements that do not let society breathe, I am not only talking about economic ones ( which include corruption), but mainly of the concept of “coercive” state in fashion.
We return to the previous cycle, even to the “Wealth of Nations” that Adam Smith spoke of and Marx read, but this is economically unfeasible in a world with a globalized economy. Let us return to coercion, which inspires so many authoritarian voices (even to the left), without the joint solution of the economic problem it suffers a growing scale of violence without a return, and worse, it arms more and more enslaving forces of the “manpower” available in the informality.
What makes a conscious part of society, enters the wave of violence not only verbal, but physical and moral violence that interests the authoritarian groups that long for power, to return to the old modern state of “coercion” and “eternal peace.” In the Brazilian case it is critical, it has entered in this way and already seems without return, I hope not.


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