Uni-verse or multi-verse

03 Jul

It is not a joke with verses and poetry, we have already seen and posited that the universe is made up of frequencies that in the last instance is music, that the first energy released by the universe were frequencies that are ultimately light, now there is a new enigma and there is more than one universe, a multiverse.
Three aspects may lead to the idea of the multiverse, two are already widely studied: the idea of cosmology that comes from the Greeks and today comes the deepest subtleties of matter and dark energy, called black holes that was enlarged with the idea of inflation, second the string theory that of simple hypothesis began to be studied and verified, and the third (or first in the historical sense, began with Hubble in 1929), the idea that the universe (the multiverse we know) is expanding then one day this united, the Big Bang.
The idea of an expanding non-expanding universe led to the second point of string theory, the mathematical-physical model suggests that the fundamental blocks are not points or particles, but strings that vibrate in a kind of cosmic symphony, emerging from music that these strings can play, however with small mathematical inconsistencies. It is these inconsistencies that create the need for a fourth nonlinear dimension such as we know (height, width and depth), but a micro-dimension that delimit how these “strings” can vibrate, the analogy with music is perfect because we only hear in a delimited frequency band, and they vibrate in a delimited range.
It is in this delimited range that is the black energy, it together with black matter composes 96% of the universe, what we know as “matter” is matter and barium energy, only 4%.
The forms present in string theory (photo) can be numerous and even infinite. The question remains if one day observation could make the vision of the multiverse possible, just as in 1964 the scientists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson captured the background radiation that came from all directions of the cosmos were the proof of the Big Bang Theory.
Scientist Brian Greene explains that the theory of cosmic inflation may someday prove the existence of the Multiverse and explains how the evidence of this theory is already present in quantum theory and in the observation of dark energy.
Watch the Ted video that already has more than a five million views:


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