Cosmology, Worldview and Dialogue

04 Jul

The origin of the Greek word “kosmos” is linked to the idea of order, universe (or multiverse), beauty and harmony, also the cosmos through the position of the stars helped to organize the calendar in the origin of human history, cosmogonies and visions of the beginning and end of the uni- multiverse, of nature and of man.
The absence of a worldview also impoverishes the view of Being, Emanuel Lévinas examining the theme in his book Ethics and Infinity, a radical critique of the category of totality, typical of Western philosophy that led to the cult of Same and Neutral, absolute thought which led to tyrannies and totalizing ideologies.
In Aristotelian physics, previous to modern physics and unthinkable at that time an astrophysics of the multiverse, he elaborated a static model, of eternal flow of the becoming, submitted to an order, the Copernican revolution put everything in motion, and modern astrophysics recovered the model of “Infinite”, where matter and dark energy dominate 96% of the universe.
The cosmogonies are fundamental to understand the formation of cultures and religious thoughts of diverse peoples, legends and myths can usually be thought around a metaphysics, and the beliefs that make them possible as an explanation of the world.
The worldview is present in any form of thought, so materialism, idealism and spiritualism are cosmovisions, as a partial apprehension of the totality and the solution and encounter of the Other are made in function of this worldview.
Thus, in a dialogue of cultures, imperative for a globalizing world and the demand of a global citizenship although not recognized, it is necessary clarifications of this cosmovision, of way totalizing and while admits the infinite like mystery and becoming.
We find in the Basic Dictionary of Philosophy (Jupiassu, Marcondes, 2008) that cosmology supposes the possibility of a knowledge of the world as a system and as an expression of a discourse, the postulate of a totalization of the world, if made by knowledge, of an eventual cosmology of knowledge itself.

JAPIASSÚ, Hilton e MARCONDES, Danilo. (2008) Dicionário Básico de Filosofia. (Basic Dictionary of Philosophy), 5a.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar.
The video below shows the Cosmic vision of David Southwood of ESA (European Space Agency):


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