The soul-world and self-identity

10 Jul

In general, few authors are outside the idolatry of the Modern State, even though most of them, especially the Hegelians, consider it abstract, or as Habermas outside the “world of life”, but this concept is different from Husserl’s Lebenswelf, which is out of state.
One of the few authors who will speak of the “constitution of society” is impracticable in the concept of late modernity, but Giddens will demonstrate in “Beyond the right and the left” that the central component of societies of so-called “late modernity” is not plus some kind of interactive or collective element, to the process is the formation of self-identity.
Quoting Giddens in his view of self-identity: “The self is reflexively [understood as self-identity] by the person himself in terms of his biography. Identity, in this case, assumes continuity over time and space: but the self-identity is this continuity interpreted reflexively by the agent ” (Giddens, 1991: 53).
It may seem an overly individualistic argument, or because of the selfies think of something hasty in the new media, Giddens did not say in this context, but the expression of citizenship of various groups with specific identities, cultural, social or religious minorities.
By disembedding and without surpassing the abstract idea of State, Giddens understands that the process of lifting and shifting (lifting out) the social relations of local contexts, and thus the re-establishment in another type of citizen.
By disembedding Giddens understands the process of elevating and shifting the social relations of the local contexts and their re-articulation in another space-time dimension (Giddens, 1991:18:21), note that the space-time it is not time and space seen in absolute motion.
So despite Giddens’s advance, he cannot demonstrate that reflexive self can generate more democratic international institutions and defend multicultural forms of citizenship, there is still a hole in these concepts, which is not at all anarchism.
GIDDENS, A. Modernity and Self-identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1991


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