The Essentials List

02 Jan

We carry too many burdens, not just our bags, bags, even books and too much to do, because the contemporary world has difficulty making the list of the essentials.
Taking care of small household chores, not just leaving them to others, taking work seriously and taking time to rest, also dealing with what can get us out of the stress and anxiety of everyday life, having time for family members and to meditate , contemplate or even just think.
Baroque paintings, paintings and music seem to speak of a still world, too calm for my taste, some would say, but the aspects of flowers, bodegons, and still life indicate something else that is hard to see these days: flow power.
It is not the energy of force, but the energy of soul and spirit, the one that can really put us in the essentials in the face of such a troubled life, full of conflict and contradictory values, even if it is claimed to have difficulty living, it is the flow of everyday life, which is not the flow of life, of energy can be said of baroque art.
Some form of spirituality and inner well-being is responsible for harmony and life on the outside, even though daily life pushes us in the opposite direction, we must have the ability to “get out of the conventional” to make the list of essentials. When we were asked by the apostles to teach them how to pray, we could think of meditating or even just thinking for people who have no religious background.
One can for all indicate the Lord’s Prayer, the one in the “heavens” not far away, but contemplative and in Being.
May his name be holy in present terms, let meditation and contemplation always be present, may your kingdom of peace and harmony come, if not from the outside, to which we are fighting, at least the interior to face conjunctural difficulties.
And lastly, let us work for daily bread, without seeking excess and consumerism, that we may be able to forgive and be forgiven to go beyond the daily conflict. And deliver us from the evil of war, the destruction of nature, and all social ills.


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