Aesthetics, culture and spirituality

31 Jan

The disorder that contemporary society advances is not only economic, social and cultural, the aesthetic reflex is a society that aims to eliminate imperfect, pain and co-immunity (all types of immunity are sought at all costs, removing diversity nature), is the attempt of the absence of tragedy, in the cultural and aesthetic sense, of change, but life goes through death.

The result, contrary to the aesthetic that admits the tragedy, is precisely to move towards what it tries to eliminate, it is the society of death, of obscurity, while perfection is sought, the aesthetics of the perfect and straight, but they are contrary to nature, and the man who is part of it. The expansion of the corona virus, other viruses came as recently as the Asian flu, it is a show that we must live with this, recent discoveries in the glaciers of viruses that we did not know mean that they always existed and always had mutations.

But the transgenic mutations, of plants and animals that do not have any type of disease, have the paradox of being precisely that they generate potent diseases while destroying the natural diversity of the complex natural system, in fact, this is also the simplification.

At the social and religious level it means abolishing divergence, moving towards an identity that is nothing other than the denial of the Other, the diverse and the imposition of authoritarian systems, while at the same time making a discourse against individualism and authoritarianism, it favors its, see the Entropy law (picture).

The contradictory, as well as the different walks and continues to evolve in the midst of crises, because it knows that tragedy is part of life and can be overcome if viewed with concern and with the naturalness of those who lead life and society into the future.

The biblical passage in which he speaks of Jesus’ natural life, his preaching time was 3 years, and for 30 he lived a normal life, see the 10 to 1 ratio, the Pharisees and fundamentalists of our time live the opposite, is narrated by the evangelist Lucas (Lk 2,39-40):

“After fulfilling everything, according to the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to Nazaré, their city. The boy grew and became strong, full of wisdom; and the grace of God was with him ”. In fact, the law in this case was the laws of Judaism, that is, its relationship with the tradition of his time.



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