Our conscience will one day be charged

20 Nov

It is not necessary to be religious to realize that one day, even in the face of death, we will think about what our life was like, how we treat the poor, all those close to us, nature and respect for the privacy of others, in short to everything that preserves life, and water is the origin of life, and there is no life if there is no Other who are not those who are so close, but also those who are distant or not from our circle.

Certainly we will have in mind someday about what we did and what we left as an inheritance for people who want us good or bad, it doesn’t matter, everyone will be facing their own conscience, and as phenomenology says conscience is awareness of something, what is this something in front of life. What are these essentials to life: hunger, thirst, homelessness and outrage to each person, it can be said that it is the invasion of privacy, the excess of public explosion, which Byung Chul Han calls narcissism, in addition to the various types of abuse, they are all a kind of nudity.

The lack of drinking water for around 500 million people, but also the lack of public policies on basic sanitation that affects another half billion people, makes the water problem a vital problem for many people on the planet.

Those who believe the final exam in which all will be charged before God are described by the evangelist Matthew as those who will be called to participate in the Kingdom of God (Mt 25: 35-39): “Because I was hungry, and you gave me to eat: because I was thirsty and you gave me to drink: I was a stranger, and you stayed with me: I was naked, and you dressed me, sick, and you visited me: in prison, and you went to see me. Then they will ask the righteous: Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and we gave you a drink? And when did we see you as a stranger and host you? Or naked and do we dress you? ”, and the answer will be everything we did to the little ones, you did to me.

The cruelty that remains even in pandemic times, when they do not even grow, makes the civilizing environment dangerous and worrying.



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