Twitter and shift axis of manifestations

25 Jun

Analysis of tweets in blog of Raquel Ricuero indicates a growing politicization of the issues, but otherwise the withdrawal of some leaders concerned about the direction and a direction not obscure the course of demonstrations, the use of opportunistic and / or desires other than the people.

For our part we will continue to support by understanding the social and political issuesIncio18Junho raised are so fundamental to the Brazilian people, for the country’s future and for greater accountability of politicians. Also commendable is the participation of ordinary people and ordinary population, the progressive social forces can not abandon the popular clamor of the streets, periphery also get to participate, there are already events planned in Campo Limpo and Capao Redondo (SP-state) and the Rocinha favela (RJ-state) for today.

Major changes require efforts, tensions are not comfortable for anyone, it is understandable even some discontent within the movement itself, but you must have a safe driving that point to deeper issues.

The Brazilian people expect their leaders do not abandon them.


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