The hashtags coming to Facebook

01 Jul

The statistics from the beginning of the demonstrationsCalorBrasil shows a growth of Facebook, which at first did not reach 8% while 90% had Twiiter now indexes indicate that 70.4% of the messages are on Twitter and 29.6% on Facebook between 19 to June 21, made ​​by the group Maquina/ Brandviewer.

The group mantaining the “temperature map” about manifestations.

For these numbers, you can understand the proportion social networks have already taken in the dissemination of street protests throughout Brazil, rportadas by volunteers who use these technological tools.
The main reason is advancing since the demand for more information and opinions, as Twitter messages are made short and direct, with “hashtags” that indicate a focus, as vemprarua #, # ogiganteacordou, # acordabh (on this Facebook page) and others; posting on Facebook can be mayores.


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