Anxiety of Information 1

30 Sep

The second book to revisit (After Future shock), is an author who invented the profession itself and coined a word that is now present in several areas : Information Architecture .

He was an architect of fact, the author of Information Anxiety 1 , Richard Saul Wurman , wasAnsiedade1 a professor at Princeton , Cambridge and MIT , and has been a member of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in 1994 , awarded several times by the National Endowment for the Arts in  Kevin Lynch Award from MIT for creating travel guides Access.

Anxiety Information 1 contrary to what the title implies , must be understood with the subtitle as transform information into known , so one can say that the anxiety anxious to speak , must understand it within the cycle of neurosis ( see our post) .

Wurman himself (1991 , p . 38 ) clarifies the issue (see the date that is early in the Web ) :

” Information Anxiety is the result of the widening gap between what we understand and what we think we should understand . It is the black hole between data and knowledge , and occurs when information does not tell us what we want or need to know . ”

Returning anxiety in medical terms, the crisis begins to panic , which leads us to fear and this can limit the out of control situations and / or people who remind us something that we , this leads us to belief systems and that ” protect us ” ( I do not mean the religious, although in some cases it is just that ) , which finally lead us to these needs and ” out of control ” turn us into anxiety.

You can put this cycle as informational , but outside the scope of a neurotic illness, have a question (which leads us to a question ) that account for a reflection ( and not fear ) and resumed control of thought, ie the leads to a hypothesis (proven or not) that leads to a logical system that leads to new needs and lead us to another question ( or question , but without anxiety) .

Because this cycle is blocked or turns into anxiety ? by information overload or because it was not converted into knowledge


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