Resultados da busca ‘Stonehenge’

Antropotechnics and Stonehenge

26 Jan

Anthropotechnics is the name given to the idea that it is possible to link Stonehenge2anthropology and its human developments to the development of techniques that influenced civilizational and even structural change in the form of human organization, the term is due to Peter Sloterdijk who attempts to explain current technology processes In modernity.

Stonehenge is a monument from the Neolithic period, believed to have arisen in a period called by Mesolithic archaeologists between 8500 to 7000 BC (Vatcher and Vatcher, 1973) and has recently been discovered to be part of larger circles (figure 1).

It is not known how the first monuments of stones (post-holes) appeared there, but a reasonable hypothesis is that some already existed and soon others were being brought by a long period of about a thousand years, some coming from very far from regions like Wales.

One possibility studied is that the landscape of the region of Stonehenge in the past may have been especially open, which squeezes to require some technology to transport the enormous stones, there would be a kind of rectangular earthenings (the Greater call of Stonehenge and the smaller one of Cursus) that Allowed the movement of the stones in tree trunks or even in glacial glaciers that allowed the movement of the stones (French, 2012), according to figure 2.

Two stones known as Heel Stone and North Barrow were the earliest components of Stonehenge, but the circular trench with internal and external benches were built in 3000 BC and were brought out of there (Figure 3).

It is possible that features such as the Heel Stone and the low mound known as the North Barrow were early components of Stonehenge, but the earliest known main event was the construction of a circular trench with an inner and outer bank built about 3000 BC And Pearson, 2010). This area closed about 100 meters in diameter, and had two entrances. It was an early form of the henge monument (LAST, 2011).

Inside the benches and about 60 ditches were found several wooden instruments, of stones and some of them that were noticed because they were of copper, like the ones that were called ditches of Aubrey, the people buried there were around of 150 individuals, Being the largest neolithic cemetery (PEARSON, 2012).

 A stone (gneiss) and found bone pins associated with cremated human remains in the Aubrey holes at Stonehenge, say that there was a graveyard.

VATCHER, G e VATCHER, M., ‘Excavation of three post-holes in Stonehenge car park’, Wiltshire Archaeological and History Magazine, 68 (1973), 57–63.

FRENCH, C. et al, ‘Durrington Walls to West Amesbury by way of Stonehenge: a major transformation of the Holocene landscape’, Antiquaries Journal, 92 (2012), 1–36.

FIELD, D. and PEARSON, T. World Heritage Site Landscape Project: Stonehenge, Amesbury, Wiltshire Archaeological Survey Report, English Heritage Research Department Report 109-2010 (Swindon, 2010).

LAST, J., Introduction to Heritage Assets: Prehistoric Henges and Circles (English Heritage, 2011).

PARKER, M.; CHAMBERLAIN,  A., MARSHALL, M. J., POLLARD, RICHARDS, C. THOMAS, J., TILLEY, C. e WELHAM, K., ‘Who was buried at Stonehenge?Antiquity, 83, 2009, 23–39.

PEARSON, M Parker, Stonehenge: Exploring the Greatest Stone Age Mystery (London, 2012), 193.



(Português) Um acaso ajuda explicar Stonehenge

04 Sep

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


New paths and new christmas

10 Dec

Man has gone through many historical stages, each with its drama and its mystique, like the one revealed in the Neolithic monument Stonehenge (photo).

The times of pandemic made us more withdrawn both in the proximity of family members and in the interior life (which Western thought calls subjectivity), but where are we heading, what kind of Christmas this year will be, the end-of-the-year festivities we already know by the new pandemic wave will be reduced.

Anyway, we celebrate a passage, whether for Christians waiting for the parousia (the first two weeks) or from here to Christmas the intervention of God in history through the birth of the God-child in Bethlehem, which is gradually being erased from the party and replaced by consumerism, snow and other rites alien to the historical fact.

Yes historical, because Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem precisely for a census, that is, to be counted among men and registered they should go to Joseph’s hometown and by a whim and divine care Jesus is born and is already registered among men, this is therefore not symbolic, but recorded historical data.

What to expect this Christmas, the atmosphere of “party” is reduced, we are still involved with the pandemic, there is a climate of apprehension and already a certain discouragement, for some it involves anxiety and some kind of anguish, nothing better than believing in a New weather, the popular saying goes: after the storm comes the calm, it will come.

Perhaps not as we expected, for example, a huge euphoria or an explosion of joy, but the feeling that we must rebuild life with struggle and behind the rubble, the Christmas season at its root is this, something divine intervened in human history to change it forever, it is certain that they want to erase Christmas and with it the hope of a new world, however precisely because of the suffering we have been through, we do not know how long it can last and how far it can go, it is a harbinger of a new time, a calm.

John the Baptist, who was Jesus’ cousin, baptized people with water (Baptist because of this), and the people thought he was the Messiah, but he explained that the type of baptism that would make Jesus would be much stronger: “He will baptize you in Holy Spirit and on fire. He will come with a shovel in his hand: he will clean his threshing floor and gather the wheat in the barn, but he will burn the straw in the photo that does not go out” says the evangelist Luke (Lk 3,16-18) and John “proclaimed a lot other ways” the Good News.

We can expect this in the near future, certainly yes, there is also this expectation in our theme, in many ways, and it will certainly be something unpredictable



Two findings: technology and religion

13 Feb

We must read the history of the present moment backward, that is, in the opposite sense, ChaveautStonehengealthough a dose of “desantropomorphization” is always important, that is, to attribute the whole foundation of the concepts studied to man alone, without considering his surroundings; with this the use of technology for its handling.

This means that man is what he does with nature and with his fellows around him, the important relation to the Other that the current philosophy emphasizes.

Taking a leap into history, returning to 7,000 BC, we find the Stonehenge monument in central England, and recently (in the 1990s) a cave was found with paintings dating to 30,000 BC, the Chauvet Cave.

Several studies of archeology, Stonehenge is more advanced, point two interesting facts: the technological importance, the stones of Stonehenge were moved by England from Wales, and the religious aspect: it is known that that circle is part of larger circles of Where several inhabitants came for some sort of “religious” rite.

The second discovery is more intriguing, a true art gallery was found in Chauvet, showing an already refined technique of painting and what Werner Herzog called “homo spiritualis” in his film “The Cave of Forgotten Dreams“, the only film allowed Until today of this gallery of prehistoric art.

It is important to know that both English researchers and archaeologists who research Stonehenge (see our post) and Werner Herzog who filmed Chauvet are not religious people, but the realization that there was something “spiritual” on both monuments makes us think.

Man has always lived immersed in a spiritual sphere, which Teilhard Chardin called the Noosphere and used technology, so the anthropomorphic principle is false, we are nature.


Descoberto um “super-henge”

08 Sep

Stonehenge é um monumento no centro da Inglaterra, onde diversas pesquisasSuperHenge arqueológicas se desenvolvem, com avanços já se descobriu que era mesmo um lugar sagrado visto que foram encontrados os locais de moradia temporária ao redor, mas fora da “catedral neolítica”.

Agora foi encontrar um momento ainda maior, mas enterrado com cerca de 90 enormes pedras, cada uma com cerca de 4,5 metros de comprimento, embora só 30 intactas, formando um círculo ainda maior, em “uma escala extraordinária” dizem os investigados do projeto.

Os pesquisadores do projeto de pesquisa chamado Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes afirmam: “Achamos que não há nada como isto noutro local do mundo. É completamente novo e a escala é extraordinária”, disse Vince Gaffney, da Universidade de Bradford, citado pela BBC.

As pedras ficaram soterradas no solo de Durrington Walls, escondidas aparentemente de propósito durante milénios, desvela uma realidade ainda maior, elas estão dispostas num semicírculo virado para o rio Avon.

Já no filme de Werner Herzog, “A caverna dos sonhos esquecidos” sobre a recém-descoberta caverna de Chaveaux, Herzog afirma ter encontrado ali um “homo espiritualis”, vejam o filme acima feito pelo laboratório de pesquisa LBI Arch Pro.


O nascimento do homem e o espiritual

12 Aug

Acredita-se que o homem tenha nascido entre Chaveaux400 e 100 mil anos atrás, ou melhor, para os que acreditam que evoluíram a partir dos primatas, seria este o período do Homo Sapiens.

É ao menos curioso, que apesar de nossa rejeição da técnica, a classificação e sua evolução seja justamente em função do uso de determinadas técnicas, foi o dinamarquês Christian Thomsen, num livro publicado em 1836 que classificou nossa “pré-história” em: pedra lascada, pedra polida, bronze e ferro.

Dois estudos são bastante indicadores que talvez esta “pré-história” não seja exatamente como pensamos: os estudos de Stonehenge e a descoberta recente da caverna de Chaveaux.

Tanto o monumento de Stonehenge quanto Chaveaux, demonstram que o homem primitivo já tinha concepções estéticas e espirituais maiores do que pensamos, o jornal inglês The Guardian fez uma reportagem para dizer que a realidade da história de Stonehenge, segundo pesquisas atuais é muito maior do que se pensava.

A caverna de Chaveaux, filmada pelo cético Werner Herzog em um documentário chamado A Caverna dos Sonhos Esquecidos, mostra uma realidade ainda maior, calcula-se que seja datada de 30 mil anos atrás e além da beleza estética das pinturas encontradas ali, também uma realidade subjetiva de espiritualidade aparece ali, chamada no filme de Herzog de Homo Spirituales e que está documentado pelo History Channel.



Oráculos, profetas, copistas e bibliotecários: guardiões da informação

12 Mar

O homem tem necessidade de preservar a informação desde sua origem, Leia o resto deste Post »