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Football fun Iceland

14 Jun

Anything like reporting on my blog steps that Iceland gave (see ), after the Islandiacountry break in 2008, and modify the constitution using social networks, its constitution patch Danish when in 1944 became independent of Danmark.

Registered at the time, the words of Thorvaldur Gylfasson, member of the Constitutional Council of Iceland: “The public can see the constitution be built before your eyes … this is very different from the old days where some decided the constitution, therefore, I thought it best find a remote location away from the eyes, out of control our “fine example.

Now Iceland begins innovate in football, gave structure and hired a Swedish coach Lars Gagerbäck, but something was missing, almost came to the World Cup in Brazil, and when this was going to leave the football project of Iceland, the Icelandic technical Temir Hallgrímsson came to his aid and just started to modify the Icelandic football without leaving the Icelandic style.

Recently the Prime Minister’s name appeared in the “Panama papers,” documents that revealed money in tax havens, Prime Minister Gunnlaugsson and wife appeared with his wife until 2009, it is important to say with money earned honestly, but to apply in tax havens fled the tax and taxes of Iceland.

I will cheer for Iceland today, you may not win, but the beautiful summer celebrations and fun football practice with Icelandic style and face that despite the cold, is gay.

The Brazil that just fail again should learn something with this, could for example, hire a technician to come out and let a Brazilian together, not to lose the irreverence and joy of Brazilian football that we are gradually losing.

Who loves fun see the fun celebrations of the Icelandic team, their character can be seen in the celebrations of the National Day of Iceland will be the 17th of next June, when they happen puppet shows and circuses, parades and folk festivals that prove the beautiful cheerful style this small town with less than 400,000 inhabitants.



Technology-People Literacy (TPL)

27 Apr

This is Technology-PeopleGartner2015 Literacy (TPL), which would in Portuguese TAP, but do not know whether to take exactly that.
The truth is that for the first time it appeared in the famous Gartner hipociclo starting the curve of expectations, and also that appears next to security concerns.

One of the important things to know the point that a particular technology is a hipoclico curve is to understand what exactly does “literacy” (or learning) at one time as expected and maturity within that curve, for example, until the early 1990 meant nothing the Web, cell phones were too large for the pocket, Google only appeared in 1998 and precisely in this period a metadata system called Dublin Core was appearing until 2003 there was MySpace and Youtube was launched only two years after this.

Thus, tools are created, developed and worked as the time in 1995 was basic to work with word processing and spreadsheets, but today there are more sophisticated tools and spreadsheets have developed where you just know what are the fields to be filled, the word processors have correction tools, custom comments and even own vocabularies for certain contexts.

Set “literacy” or digital learning means now, since it entered the Gartner hipociclo curve (in 2015) something designated as PLT (People-Literate Tecnology), which means a richer and more complex definition of literacy for example, the University of Colorado has defined putting many topics to consider this complexity: communicate, solve problems, Access, manage, integrate, evaluate, design and create information to enhance learning in all areas, and ultimately, acquire knowledge over life and 21st century skills.

Note that two items refer to Communication and Information, another to solve problems and a quarter what it means to acquire knowledge in the 21st century.


(Português) Porque o Whatsapp quase parou

18 Dec

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


Sensor artificial tact

03 Nov

Among the various wearable technology (announced with the next ‘wave’), CircuitoFlexivelis the interesting work on an “artificial” feel, published in the jornal Science.

Second Zhenan Bao the researcher, flexible type of sensor produces a pulse pattern which is immediately recognized by the nervous system, while initially placed hand, this feature enables be used in other parts of the body.

The researcher said: “With plastic materials, we and other researchers in this area had already succeeded in producing touch-sensitive sensors – but the electrical signal coming out of these sensors was not the right format to be interpreted by the brain”.

Other models of computer processing needed to produce the sensation of “touch”, as this produces the pulses directly.

The use of plastic makes the flexible material, and the sensors can be useful in other wearable technology equipment, as stated, “The sensors are very thin and flexible, and are also elastic Then you could mount a sensor on your skin and use. it does to detect vital signs such as heart rate and blood pressure. ”

Just below this layer of “skin” for a printed electronic circuit that functions as an oscillator, which transforms the varying current in a series of impulses. With more pressure and more current, the rate of pulses rises.


When WhatsApp does not help

28 Sep
WhatsApp has become an important and widely used, but some drawbacksEmogis are very common, see if they are not abusing some of them:

Messages at inappropriate times
You’re almost asleep or in the middle of sleep and is called by the touch of WhatsApp, worse when it is a trivial or unimportant message. Do not send messages too early or too late, of course, the less it is of utmost importance.

Some subjects are personal
Nobody wants to be spectator charges of discussions, family or love affairs, and this is quite common. The subject should interest at least one third of the group, if not send an individual message or a small group.

Chains of different types
Current follow alive in WhatsApp as conspiracies, religious content in too and promises to perform certain desires, when of course, you forward to at least a few friends. Are you sure that it really work?

Excess emojis
The emojis are cool and some very amusing, contains a message (but appropriate). The problem is that there are some people exaggerate and use the resource without any proper order (see photo). Sometimes it is very difficult to understand what is meant.

Um celular como um livro

23 Sep

Segundo o site SamMobile, o próximo lançamento da Samsung para janeiro novosamsung de 2016 não deverá ser um Galaxy S7, mas com tela flexível (já estão no mercado) e parecido a um livro. Fontes que vasculham projetos, afirmam ter conhecimento profundo do dispositivo, disseram que está sendo desenvolvido sob o codinome Projeto Valley, conforme o MailOnline.

E acrescentaram que duas versões do telefone estão sendo testadas, uma com um processador Snapdragon 620 e outro com um Snapdragon 820. Em outra parte, o dispositivo é rumores de ter 3GB de RAM, um slot para cartão microSD e uma bateria não-removível. Já a Samsung disse ao MailOnline que não comenta rumores ou especulações.

A Samsung tem apresentado telas OLED dobráveis já a dois anos e no CES em 2013 revelou uma tela Oled flexível chamado Youm.

Vamos aguardar, porém isto com certeza poderá trazer inovações de leitura e escrita, já que também o uso de light-pen, as canetas estão sendo investigadas pela Samsung.  


Criador da Internet quer receber cartas

15 Sep

Vinton Cerf, um dos criadores da internet, na verdade dosCerf protocolos TCP-IP que permitiram uma interconexão mundial quer receber cartas escritas a mão, para saber o que as pessoas pensam sobre o futuro da Internet, lembrem-se apenas que ele é hoje funcionário da Google. Vint Cerf, quer questionar o que se denominou de Idade Digital Escura (Digital Dark Age.) para melhorá-la para que possa auxiliar a educação e afirmou em entrevista a Information Week: “Uma das coisas que se tornou muito claro para mim é que as letras no passado, por causa do atraso de tempo durante cartas para obter e para trás, levou as pessoas a pensar de forma justa profundamente sobre o que eles quer dizer.

E eles sofá seus argumentos para ser entendido, mesmo que [o beneficiário] não estava ali para fazer perguntas. “

  Ele resolveu fazer isto usando um método do século XIX, escrever cartas e esclarece na entrevista a sua escolha: “As nossas comunicações modernas tendem a ser muito breve e rápida e não envolvem a pensar porque temos mais de enviar mais 100. O resultado é um monte de ideias concisas, não substantivas e comunicações curtas.”

Cerf diz que se inspirou no livro (best seller nos EUA, mas não aqui) o livro de Doris Kearns Goodwin Team of Rivals: O gênio político de Abraham Lincoln como um exemplo perfeito de que pode não ser possível para os historiadores da próxima geração não refazer uma história se ela estiver vinculada ao meio digital.

Goodwin reuniu cartas escritas pelo Presidente Lincoln de seu gabinete, para escrever um livro sobre como ele interagia com seus adversários e aliados, que não exatamente como se poderia pensar, mas fundamentando em seus escritos e não na imaginação.

Devemos pensar nestas soluções urgentes, e estabelecer critérios para uma verdadeira preservação digital, as soluções ainda não são completas e exaustivas, e de acordo com Cerf, precisamos resolver questões em torno da propriedade intelectual para o software não está mais em uso regular, mas pode ser crucial para a preservação de dados. Podemos estar perdendo os rastros (data tracing) dos dados e podemos perde-los para sempre.


Poderá a internet ser emocional ?

01 Sep

Segundo o site TechRunch isto não é um conceito Emotionteórico, mas já há esforços para medir e quantificar a emoção humana de forma que a máquina possa compreender.

Três empresas já trabalham nisto, a Affectiva, uma empresa de medição de tecnologia de emoção, que coletou mais de um milhão de quadros com expressões faciais espontâneas, o VIBE, um software de visualização e interação da divisão de entretenimento da Microsoft Research, que emprega sensores para discernir humores via Bluetooth, e a Spire, que fabrica um pequeno sensores em forma de pedra que pode ser colocado em algum acessório do corpo humano, que pode medir o stress.

A maioria destas investigações e desenvolvimento são parte dos campos emergentes da computação afetiva, que examina maneiras de criar sensores e computadores que podem detectar e responder a emoções humanas.

Os estudos investigam padrões de fala, expressões faciais, gestos corporais e reações fisiológicas a estímulos específicos, mas será necessário acumular uma grande base de dados de emoções que pode treinar computadores para reconhecer e interagir de acordo com estímulos, uma vez que as pessoas podem reagir de modo diferente a um estímulo.


Novo papel digital Sony

25 Aug

Lançado a um ano, o papel Digital Sony (Digital paper Sony) já está sofrendo GoodEReaderredução de custos e melhorando tamanho e formatos dos seus novos “papéis digitais”.

O papel digital vem sofrendo um crescimento robusto nas vendas, segundo o blog do editor Michael Kozlowski do Good E Reader, e o preço do DPT-S1 já caiu de U$ 999 para $ 799, e a intenção original que era se estabelecer numa faixa de leitores específicos, que querem ler o PDF e não consumidor da Amazon e da Kobo, por exemplo.

O Livro Digital Sony está experimentando vendas robustas para profissionais da indústria que exigem uma tela de e-paper grande. A fim de ampliar seu alcance e escopo, a Sony acaba de anunciar uma redução de preço no DPT-S1 a partir de $ 999 para $ 799.

O preço caiu logo de início com o crescimento das vendas, lançado a U$ 1200 para o ensino superior, advogados e também entretenimento, logo começou um serviço de vendas online e o preço começou a despencar.

Com o preço agora também consumidores de nível médio, o material de plástico flexível baseado em OLED (que é a tela “orgânica” flexivel), apesar de seu tamanho de 13,3 polegadas (quase um formato A4), ele pesa menos que um Kindle DX de 9″ ou 7”. O DPT-S1 tem tela de 13,3 polegadas, resolução de 1200×1600 pixels, armazenamento de 4 GB, com externo de micro SD até 74 GB, conectividade b/g/n e bateria Li-ion comduração de até 3 semanas e peso de 376 g.


Schools debate use of technology

05 Aug

A brazilian debate on the technology emerged in theLousaDigital television media and it struck much of the population as this medium is still quite favorite among adults, but as always the debate is directed and made by some schools and some “experts”. There’s certain things well and so curious as: “a child can use the app for no more than thirty minutes,” but where they got it, actually vary from person to person, and the important thing is the conscious use, for example: “Son we combine a time” and negotiating. After the program cited an educational video game that would be used by 28,000 children again draws attention to the exact number, if they were 27 983 I believe, and then asks a mother of a child named Emanuelle approving. “She was not following the class, but with the use of the application, she had a much greater interaction and managed to get along fast results,” find curious the result, of course the stimulus is important, but it is true for the application as for a book. Then come the experts with a “magic number”, children up to two years should stay away from technology and then with a moderate use, is laughable, the limit should be the age of the child literacy, or until it has given skill . Now enter diseases: “More than two hours (they were not thirty minutes?), I consider excessive. And the company believes it has been researched (where ???), because they get to have a lot of symptoms. The child may have a headache, body pain, irritability, aggressiveness, low school performance, “explains neurologist Christian Müller, chutômetro, but his clinic will fill with patients. There repressive final sentence: “parents have to keep an eye”, then use the outdated technique of reward, said a father who gave away a gift tablet ..: ‘I said, man, is now’. If you throw the pacifier away, the Fairy pacifier will bring you a tablet ‘, the child opened the trash can in the store,’ Where’s my tablet ‘, “he recalled his father. I am a afixionado technology, I’m sure it is final and should be used by children, but the questions remain: at what age? how often? how many hours? something I’m also sure: it is not the same number for all. We need to take education seriously, very amateurish and guesswork