Arquivo para a ‘Computer Langue’ Categoria

(Português) Programação em multidão: crowdcomputing

01 Aug

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(Português) Fala, escrita pictórica e fonética

30 Jun

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Logical Empiricism and critique of metaphysics

29 Jan

This whole picture of contemporary ontology, if not addressing to a “new form of positivism , in countries of Anglo-Saxon language, linguistic and logical reduction and operated by him of the problems of ontological and metaphysical nature.” (the book Introduction to Ontology , Mafalda F. Blanc, pp. 31)

The ” logical empiricism of the Vienna Circle , Schlick and Carnap represented by , among others, and the school of analytic philosophy from Oxford , that are eminent figures an Austin and Searle ” (p. 31 ) .

All schools in our view , and also the author based on the thought of Wittgenstein have in common and one of his ideas is that ” the reduction of philosophy to a study of language ” (p. 31 )

The influence of Vienna, output “Tractatus Logic – Philosophicus  of  Wittgenstein (1921 ) , ” whereas the problem of knowledge should not be placed from the point of view of consciousness but a rigorously constructed language, reduces philosophy to a logical analysis of the discourse of science” (pp. 32 ) .

I mean the influence because Wittgenstein had dialogues with the circle not being its direct integral , but his speech has a strong influence especially in buildings Carnap , where  “syntax , ie , a theory of formal coherence and for the second one semantics or theory of reference , whereas its truth lies in the empirical confirmation.” (p.p 32 )

Think there “a correspondence between the logical form of language and the world , even those thinkers consider the possible effect the epistemological philosophy contour of reality , ie , to say the way it is , but not what it is and only if can show as pure fact .” (pp. 32 )

The second Wittgenstein , whose main work is ” Philosophical Investigations ” , defends the ” pluralism of languages ​​, based on use, determine the meaning and logical connection of terms. ” (pp. 32 )

This will mean ” the primacy of pragmatic regarding the semantics and syntax , adscrevendo for philosophy the study of natural languages ​​, from the point of view of their use and purpose with which it aims to achieve a community of speakers ” (pp. 32 ) .

Whole question as the terms indicate : syntax, semantics and pragmatics ; are very sensitive issues of technology , but as the author says ” the philosophical problems arising from an incorrect use of language ” (pp. 32 ) and this has to do with context and not with the correspondence to empirical data .


Myths MOOCS discussed

12 Dec

In last Thursday (06/12) of more than 200 academic institutions from around theMOOCS world met at a conference organized by the University of Texas at Arlington to hear the preliminary results on the MOOC Research Initiative, a program funded by the grant Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and administered by Athabasca University in Canada .
Several institutions received $ 10 to $ 25 thousand to examine how MOOCS (Education Massive Online) can modify the higher education and the results will be in the next issue of the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning as anticipates Inside Highred site .
The research presented on Thursday was perhaps best summarized by research Conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, Which Analyzed the study habits of 1 million students across 16 Coursera courses between June of 2012 and 2013.A research presented can be summarized with the work done by the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education , which examined the study habits than 1 million students in 16 courses Coursera , between June 2012 and 2013 .

“Emerging data … show that online courses Massive Open ( MOOCs ) have relatively few active users, and that ‘ engagement ‘ user drops dramatically , especially after the first two weeks of a course , and that few users clearly persist until the end, ” can be read in a study summary .

This drops the myth that these courses would reach a few thousand students .

But other expectations are maintained , the cost of production MOOC . that can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars to create ” classes” of MOOC that are consumed and produced by institutions MOOC create two groups of problems , the first is not wanting to seem elitist , while the second is to generate content rejected even by own faculty members .

Christopher Brooks , a researcher at the University of Michigan School of Information said ” maybe this seems obvious ,” he said “A lot of things seem obvious in retrospect,” but the main problem is not even funding .

“How do we make this incredible thing and get our ideas from everyone and not go bankrupt ? This is the challenge . ” This is the challenge.” Said Akiba Covitz , senior vice president of strategic relations for Academic Partnerships , referring to MIT and Harvard .


Criador da linguagem Java vai trabalhar no Google

30 Mar

James Gosling desenvolveu a partir de dialetos a linguagem Java, quando e funcionário da Sun Microsystems, que no ano 2010 foi vendida a Oracle, pouco depois Gosling saiu da Oracle (veja no nosso blog) e agora está de emprego novo.

Esta semana ele anunciou em seu blog: “Após algumas reviravoltas na estrada no ano passado, como uma máquina do tempo parada no meio do caminho, começo a trabalhar no Google hoje. Uma das coisas mais difíceis da vida é fazer escolhas, e tive dificuldades em dizer ‘não’ a um monte de outras possibilidades”, antes de aderir ao Google.

Sobre o período  que deixou a Oracle, Gosling afirmou que a decisão era difícil de ser tomada e que:”A pior parte é não conviver mais com as grandes pessoas que tive o privilégio de trabalhar nos últimos anos”.

Ele chega ao Google no momento em que é processada na Justiça pela Oracle, sob a alegação de violação de patentes e direitos associados ao Java na construção de seu Android OS, cujo blog aposta que ele vai trabalhar no DALVIK a máquina virtual que a Google criada em “espaço limpo” para substituir a JVM.

Mas Gosling disse sobre seu novo trabalho: “Eu não sei no que vou trabalhar”, e acrescentou. “Espero que seja um pouco de tudo.”


Uma grande baixa na compra da Sun pela Oracle

13 Apr

“Sim, os rumores são verdadeiros: deixei a Oracle há uma semana (2 de abril)”, escreveu James Gosling Leia o resto deste post »