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Os poetas da Inconfidência Mineira

21 Apr

In the late eighteenth century, more precisely in the year 1789 a revolt was Inconfidenciaaborted by the then government of the captaincy of Minas Gerais, in Brazil, against, among other things, the execution of spills and Portuguese rule.

Pour consisted of the following, Portuguese law created when the gold mines started to run out, each holding region should pay 3307 pounds of gold (1500 kilograms) per year to the Portuguese crown, but soldiers entered the family house to withdraw the belongings to complete the amount due.

Besides the lieutenant Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, known as Tiradentes the group was formed by poet Tomas Antonio Gonzaga and Claudio Manuel da Costa, the owner of Ignatius Alvarenga mine, Rolim priest, they created the motto that is the mining flag to the today: Libertas Quae Sera Tamen (Freedom albeit Late).

In the collection of Cecilia Meirelles in the collection of Ballads Inconfidência poems, she tells the story of Mines, in one of his verses:

E diz o Poeta ao Vigário,                            And the poet says the vicar,:
com dramática prudência:                      with dramatic prudence
“Tenha meus dedos cortados                 “Keep my fingers cut off
antes que tal verso escrevam…”            before such write back …”
ouve-se em redor da mesa.                       hear around the table.
E a bandeira já está viva,                            And the flag is already alive,
e sobre, na noite imensa.                          and on, the immense night
E os seus tristes inventores                      And his sad inventors
já são réus – pois se atreveram               They are already defendants –are dared
a falar em Liberdade                                    speaking in Freedom
(que ninguém sabe o que seja)                (No one knows what it is).
There is controversy about the history, because many conspirators were slaveholders and also the fact that fought for the independence of Minas Gerais, since there was a national identity, which is also necessary to remember these days, regionalism and immense inequality between states and citizens within the country.


Brazilian Modern Week´ 22

20 Apr

The Brazil 1922 was a foreshadow of what could happen in the 30s, SemanaArte22but a group of intellectuals tried positive way of looking at the future breaking with the Caboclo nihilism name I prefer than “ontology of abandonment” already mentioned in previous posts, the period has analyzed Machado to Lima Barreto. Martin Vasques da Cunha says that Sergio Buarque de Holanda, then just a literary critic visited Lima Barreto already ill in 1921, and in a strange conversation for the two requested support to a Manifesto of a Modernist Movement launched by a group of several intellectuals several areas.

After listening to him talk to other Turkish magazine Klaxon, it ironic between several things would have said to the French poet Paul Verlaine saying, “This indeed was a poet. He drank like a goat .. “and according to Cunha (p. 164)” Days later, Lima publish an article in which solemnly despised paulistanos ideals, stating that he knew had long been, what was this “futurism” that both defended “.

Far from being just a break, there were these young Art Week 22, a literary desire that can be defined didactically in two ways: to find a national identity and second announce a more promising future for the country.

The tables Abapuru and Carnival in Tarsila do Amaral Madureira show these two trends, while the table Post 1928 shows a Brazil still colonial.

The Antropófogo Manifesto, who coined several famous phrases like: “Tupi or not Tupi that is the question” (Tupi is Brazilian indians), “If God is the consciousness of the Uncreated Universe, Guaraci is the mother of the living. Jaci is the mother of vegetables “among others and who also had the brothers Oswald and Mario de Andrade, who wrote Paulicéia Desvairada (1922) and Macunaíma (1928) (a screenplay).

There are many analysts who take off this week of Brazilian culture, we will return to Inconfides Miners (moviment to Brazilian´s libertation), Thomas Antonio Gonzaga and Claudio Manuel da Costa.



Machado de Assis and the Brazil roclamation of the Republic

29 Mar
In an attempt to unravel the Brazilian soul Darcy Ribeiro wroteMachadoAssisLiteraryLife “The Brazilian people”, and we can also quote (back to him) Sérgio Buarque de Holanda with his Roots of Brazil, could even enumerate other as the recent Martim da Cunha Vasques Dust Glory : one (unexpected) history of Brazilian literature.It is always deeper understand the “soul” of a people peering into their literature, not by chance Marx enjoyed reading Honoré de Balzac and Lenin Leon Tolstoi, among others of course, and not to be alone on the left, Roosevelt (that said read everything) I liked to read Walter Scott in addition to historical anthologies and Greek classics.

Machado de Assis (1839-1908) lived in the late period of the monarchy, Darcy Ribeiro was based on ethnic roots of the colonial period (1530 – 1815), but the historical evidence that says the philosopher Paul Ricoeur, the “I was there” is more fundamental than historiography.

We have already pointed the royalists and republicans elements of Esau and Jacob, and the political quietism in the work Memorial Aires.

Now we want to discover what is called apparent duplications in Quincas Borba, pseudo philosopher, the madness of the “ontology of abandonment” defined by Marta Senna in The Look oblique wizard, work also analyzed by Martim Vasques da Cunha.

But is the period of the proclamation (which is an edict not a popular will) of the Republic who is portrayed in Brás Cubas Epitaph, which breaks with romanticism even strong authors at the time as Flaubert and Zola, to picture a river of January with indifference, pessimism and irony, breaking with the linearity of both romantic literature as preceded the “modernism” to adopting a realistic tone.

Not coincidentally, the work began to be written from March to December 1880 in the Journal, and was later published as a book in 1881.

The work portrays slavery, social classes, scientism and positivism of the time, coming to create even a new philosophy, then developed in Quincas Borba (1891) already after the “proclamation” of the Republic (1889), Quincas Borba It came later in 1891 with a certain “philosophy” and then still Dom Casmurro (1899).

In english, K. David Jackson published “Machado de Assis: literary life”.

Machado de Assis and brazilian politic

28 Mar

Borrowed by a friend started reading the Dust of glory: one (unexpected)MachadoAssis25yearsOld history of Brazilian literature, in portuguese: A poeira da glória: uma (inesperada) história da literatura brasileira, Martim Vasques da Cunha (Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2015), which is an attempt to revisit more than the national literature, peer into the Brazilian soul.

Of course it could not be present Machado de Assis, born on 21 June 1839 in Rio de Janeiro, then capital of the Empire of Brazil (brazilian royalistit), highlight here according to the author the work of his maturity Esau and Jacob (1904) to have would be called the last, despite the author “seem to believe that is the lack of direction the who commands the things of this world “(Cunha, 2015, p. 32), typical of the nihilism of the early twentieth century, and the crisis is at the time.

Take the conflict (or conflicts) in the Brazilian soul present in the “poor” Flora “soul torn between two rival twins – the royalist Peter and Paul Republican, symmetrical in relation to the two apostles and two Hebrew patriarchs. Not knowing who and what should be chosen, it loses its vital forces and died in the prime of youth … “(ibid).

It is curious da Cunha Vasques analysis, as a rereading of Esau and Jacob, says wedge that is a kind of “abandonment ontology” with a “dangerous skepticism about the mechanisms of politics” (idem) and in this context its a figure that is a kind of alter ego of Machado de Assis, the Counselor Aires, which will become clearer in the Memorial Aires, this rather the “last” Machado de Assis’s novel.

so reports Cunha “Aires wants to be embodied tolerance, but all it does is to relativize things, is what is good is what is bad, just not to attack the sensitivity of others. “(Cunha, 2015, p. 33), which seems to be the speech of the current tolerance, sometimes balls, democracy becomes manifesting this is normal, just and right politically, of course within a rational and democratic normality allow this to everyone.

The critical author Machado de Assis explains in Memorial de Aires, that changing the name of “Confectionery Empire” to “Confectionery of the Republic,” replacing the name that he was “rotten inside” in a novel that gives a enormous weight to the names, typical of symbolism Aires hesitates and does not know what to say, then say it might be better to write “Confectionery Osório,” a sort of “guardian of the Brazilian people. “.

Wilson Martins is intertwined with the Axe opinion of Assisi, who seemed criicar, saying “the proclamation of the Republic, far from the profound social transformation and affirmed by political propagandists and revolutionaries … it was just a change of tablet – confectionery still the same. “. (Cunha, 2015, p. 33)


Open Science 2.0

17 Jul

In 2008, the researcher Ben Shneiderman of the UniversityScience-2_0_HL of Maryland wrote an editorial entitled Science 2.0 and that was patented.

In this article Shneiderman argues that Science 2.0 is the one who studies social interactions “real world” with sestudo of e-commerce, online communities and other audiences outside the strictly academic world.

After this a Wired magazine writer he criticized Shneiderman’s view, suggesting that what is called by Shneiderman more collaboration, more real-world tests, but this progress should not be called “Science 2.0” or “Science 1.0” but simply science.

But recent articles like these days of Seed Magazine, claim that, since this was an issue much debated, with the use of websites, blogs, shared knowledge network made the science becomes more accessible to more people around the globe than we could have imagined 20 years and these elements were needed to transform Science 2.0 became “”visible” and having “infrastructure” available across the globe.

The reports discussed in this article Seed says that facts and data were established in magazines that show are moving towards greater openness.

Some readers online help networks; others allow commenters to post links to websites. Other papers are accessible after a certain period of time has elapsed.


What is being learned online?

05 May

A new report on the MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) was published in late April andComputerOnline can show progress and setbacks in these new means of mass education.
The report, again funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates (the first was also and did a post), was coordinated by George Siemens, a technology-academic expert at the University of Texas at Arlington, and states that the initial frenzied enthusiasm seems now a little milder: “It’s almost like now we passed by a shameful period in which we forget we were researching and how were scientists, hurried to make decisions and proclaim things that were not scientific whole,” he told the publication of Wired Campus .
The goal then this new report is to offer research topics: student engagement and learning success in a process of self-regulation and social learning, network analysis and network learning, including: motivation, attitude and criteria success.
Siemens understood the basics of networks, this might be embarrassing said that without the involvement of the students. “Now the subject of particular interest,” it is just a distraction from a distance and is “is literally just a click away” as the published report (download).
Five key research themes were identified in the report: student engagement and success of learning, Mooc´s design and curriculum, self-regulated learning and social learning, social network analysis and network learning, and motivation, attitude, and success criteria.

The names of student engagement reports as a prominent issue. Many students enrolled in MOOCs non-traditional, to make sure that they are involved and able to succeed in such a course is even more important.
The Siemens teacher said he hopes the report will help colleges to tomaem r intelligent decisions based on research and evidence, to create their digital campuses.


Library Champion program in United Kingdom

11 Nov

KingsCollegeThat’s how it is titled the Library of King’s College London, which brings many services beyond traditional cataloging, it supports several electronic journals and databases, and all media services social networking, twitter , facebook, youtube, etc.
The reason why the Library of King’s College is receiving the title of Champion Library is launching this November with a voluntary service that started this week.
The premise of this program is a volunteer champion the development of library collections, spending a small portion of the budget for the purchase of library materials, are capable of meeting collections and then discuss with their peers to bring unpublished collections for the library.
This budget is separate from the budget of the faculty and academic departments hoping not use the normal methods of purchase orders, but this initiative that the interaction strength of the faculty a conversation about the current scientific literature.
The program called “Library Champion” should also provide feedback to peers, what services are currently provided, and suggestions for future new services and resources in the library, based on the production of the faculty.


A library without books

04 Nov

The inaugural class of 550 students with scholarships offered to attend a newly accredited public university, was BibliotecaVirtualannounced a fully digital library with 135 000 e-books available to be read on e-reader, tablet or laptop.

Completely libraries without books is still a rarity in US colleges, but the University of Lakeland, Florida, recently built a dreary stretch of road between Tampa and Orlando, made ​​at the Polytechnic University of Florida, is a bold building, with architecture made by architect Spaniard Santiago Calatrava.

The director of the university librarie´s Kathyrin Miller said: “It’s an important decision to boldly go forward without books,” sempilhas to organize books, library staff beyond the main service which is the reference should guide students in reursos mentoring and training them for the management of digital materials.

While the paperless library is not fully available, students will be discouraged from using other printers, Miller said, and he will continue buying traditional textbooks or digital texts when available.
Requesting books the old fashioned way can be made in one of 11 public universities exist in Florida, from the system that is integrated between these libraries.

The books of the Florida Polytechnic are budgeted at $ 60,000 for the purchase of securities by means of software that will allow students a free browsing with one or two clicks, and the book will be passed on to the student by digital means.


(Português) Tendências tecnológicas nas universidades

10 Oct

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


(Português) Aplicativos para ajudar os estudos

06 Oct

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.